butnozzle: Do you think we should stop calling “Sex” , “Making Love”?
If we did, would there be less hang ups about it? It seems there are so many other things that better qualify as “Making Love”.
Answers and Views:
Answer by cvq3842
Interesting point! “Making love” used to have a different meaning – something less than full-fledged sex. I’m not going to research it but I believe it had a more romantic meaning.
I still like the phrase . . . nah, better not. Terms and Conditions.
Answer by marie1257Sex is Sex, just for the self gratification, but making love is of a higher realm.Answer by fireball226
NOAnswer by thinpig94
yeah. we should call it feeling good…..Answer by runningviolin
No, because if you are with someone whom you love and who loves you, having sex is part of the expression of your love.Answer by Truthseeker
It should be called, “making love”, only within the context of marriage.Answer by crowbird_52
When you have sexual relations, sometimes you are not necessarily making love.Answer by JenV
I don’t feel that they are the same term now…you can “have sex” without “making love,” and vice versa…and every now and then you even get a cheap (word omitted).Answer by brielle
unless you are in love with everyone you have sex with no. two different entities.Answer by dee j
I think we should stop calling “making love” “sex”Answer by Krizzle’s Fwehnd!
yesAnswer by Teacherwitch
No, because they are two different things. Anybody can have sex, boink, do it, or pick your impersonal term.
Making Love is different, special and personal, and if you’ve ever been in love, you’ll know.
Answer by KatThere is SEX….and there is MAKING LOVE. They are two seperate things.Answer by jbmasterdragon
ya but you have sex with a person you make love with the one you really love or your wifeAnswer by toietmoi
I agree with you. “Making love” is too personal.Answer by vicky l
i think of it as making love as im not a tart!Answer by Bug’s Mama
I think when it’s just sex, calling it sex is appropriate and acceptable. Making love though, is just that – it’s about the bonding and affection, not just the physical part of the sex. I do think that the terms are misused and interchanged too much though, which is what causes the confusion and hangups. (I do picture a little old lady saying ‘making love’, not ‘sex’!)Answer by lktt71
Why, let people put whatever title on their situation that may help them better cope with their relationships. Every relationship is somewhat different to some degree, due to our life long experiences. Some have not the mental capacity to rationalize reality, or any other aspect of life. People put on facades in order to not see the reality of a situation, to protect their poor little hearts. Again, lack of mental capacity, although vain it may be there is comfort in fiction.
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