[email protected]: How can i convince my mom to let me get another dog?
I want my mom to let me adopt a st bernard. I am 16 years old, have a job and would pay to adopt him, vet bills and pay for anything he needs. I will cover all expences. I have always wanted to get a saint bernard. My current dog is very depressed since my parents got divorced he is only happy when he sees another dog. I think that he would be happier if he had a friend. How can i convince my mom to alow me to adopt one?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Freaky Deaky
You can’t.
you are being very spoiled here , be happy with what you gotAnswer by Kayla T
tell her all those thingsAnswer by jallen053
tell her everything you just said, when i wanted a dog i spent a lot of time researching them and that showed my dad that i really knew about them and it wasn’t something i would grow tired of. good luck!Answer by ★Emily
If I see ANOTHER freaking question like this again…I swear…I’m going to tell them to USE THE FREAKING SEARCH BAR! It’s there for a reason!
Answer by TedOCry and Beg..Answer by Fitch
By properly taking care of the one you currently have.Answer by Kitty Katt
offer to pay “doggy rent” like fifteen dollars a monthand please, adopt, don’t shop! because when u buy 1 u get one killed @ a shelterAnswer by the one and only
tell her that you will pay for it and take care of itAnswer by Alex L
say that u need to save another animal and that your other dog is lonely. and that youll do anything if u get anthor dog. and use the puppy faceAnswer by Carol N
well explain to her that you are responsible and that you have managed your dog very well. show her too by helping her out here and there.it will show her your responsible for her, your current dog, and yourself and you can handle her well.
also, do some research on the dog you are going to get.
and remind her YOU will be paying for everything.Answer by Rocker
i left my parents little slips of paper all over the house that i knew they would find. all of em had different reasons why a dog is good. My dog is my best friend and about 5 minutes ago i got in a fight with my dad for letting her into our basement. but it is totally worth it.Answer by Jackie
I think the truth is that your dog is not depressed because of the divorce and needs someone else, you do. Why dont you tell your mom that?
Maybe work out with your mom a different breed, st bernards are very big and size may be a reason she is saying no. Show her some dogs on https://www.petfinder.com which is a great adoption site, or even better, take her to a shelter.
Answer by devine69_91Just tell her that you dont like seeing you dog sad, and that you want him happy.
And if she still doesnt let you then you go get it anyways you are gonna pay for all expences and you are old enough to know what you are doing…good luck =]Answer by bluebonnetgranny
This questions pops up several times a day. I copied all the Q&A so you could see how the questions were answered.
You could try telling her that she got rid of the big man, now can you have a big dog. And add that it will not cost her a cent.
Answer by DPYour dog isn’t going to be happy if you get another dog. He is bugged because his life has changed. You are going to try and change it again.. You will be happy but it’s not going to do anything for him. I think you should just start spending more time w/ him so he forgets about how things used to be.Answer by animalsroc4evr
just tell her what you just typed. if she feels your responsible enough and your going to stick to what you promised to do, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.Answer by Bebe
First of all, you have a dog, what size is it? Would a SB over power the dog or hurt it? Some dogs are protective when it comes to others and their owners… If you have a small dog you should consider a different breed. But personally, if your mother won’t let you adopt a dog then she sees you’re not responsible enough to care for the one you have, obviously if it’s depressed.. Thats not because of your mother and father..Answer by STEVE S
I have always kept two dogs and I think that two dogs are happier than one as they always have company. Two dogs are no more responsibility than one dog. They can be walked at the same time, fed at the same time and you can’t leave either one dog or two dogs alone for more than a few hours.
Are you sure you really want a St Bernard though. You don’t say what your other dog is but I doubt that it is anything like the size of a St Bernard.
Food bills, vets fees and kennel fees are all in proportion to the size of the dog. A dog of that size will be very expensive to keep, even if it never gets sick or needs an operation. There aren’t many 16 year-olds in the UK who could earn enough to support a dog of that size. Do you really want to spend the next ten or fifteen years working to support your dog and never having any money to spend on anything else?
Answer by radtech57– Tell her that dogs are happier in a pack . And anything over one dog constitues a pack. Next tell her you are going to follow these steps she will at least see that your making a real effort. I don’t know your living situation a St Bernard takes up a lot of space shed a lot and tend to have a lot of physical alements to due to their exceptional size . But if you can get her to give in to that throw this at her.
1) Provide exercise – Your dog needs a productive way to use his or her physical energy. Your dog’s exercise schedule should include a daily walk — preferably two a day. I recommend that you go out for at least 30 minutes each time.
2) Master the walk – You should be the pack leader, and one of the best times to establish your position is on the walk. Start right: Walk out the door first. While on the walk, your dog should be by your side or behind you — never out in front! After the walk, be sure you’re first in the door.
One of the most common tools used by dog guardians is the simple leash and collar. Used correctly, this basic tool combination can provide you with more control on the walk. Some tips:
Use the leash as a form of communication
Proper use of the leash establishes trust, respect, and leadership and enables you to guide your dog. Without words, you can tell your dog where you want her or him to go. Your energy flows through the leash and is communicated to your dog.
Keep the collar at the very top of the neck
Many dog owners place the collar on the lower part of the neck. By doing so, you are actually facilitating your dog in pulling you around. If you watch an Alaskan sled dog pulling a load, you will notice that the harness fits at the shoulder around the base of the neck. This is because the lower part of the neck is where dogs have the most control and where all their pulling strength is concentrated.
Provide corrections by giving a quick, firm pull sideways on the leash
Since the top of the neck is the most sensitive part, it makes it very easy to communicate, guide, and correct your dog. Always keep your dog’s safety in mind when giving corrections!
Keep your dog’s head up!
This way your dog’s nose will removed from the ground and all the distractions there. This will facilitate your dog’s learning experience and create a more natural way for the dog to give you control on the walk.
Please note that a traditional leash and collar may not be appropriate for all dogs, particularly those with neck or trachea issues. Contact your veterinarian if you are uncertain.
3) Provide rules, boundaries, and limitations – In the wild, dogs claim space by asserting themselves in a calm and confident way, and by communicating ownership through clear body language and eye contact. Follow their example. Set household rules for your dog — and stick to them!
4) Reinforce positive behaviors – Share affection when your dog is in a relaxed, calm-submissive state, like after exercising and eating. You can also show your love when he has changed an unwanted behavior into a behavior you asked for, or responded to a rule or command.
5) Only give affection at the right times – Remember that when you give affection or food you are reinforcing the behavior that preceded it. Don’t give a dog affection when he or she is displaying negative or unwanted behaviors, such as whining or acting aggressive.
Answer by κατταη-αχε ραώτικαWell for starters, how about trying the following:
#1 Cleaning your room and making sure that it STAYS clean and tidy.
#2 Making sure that your homework is done and handed in on time.
#3 Sweep the floors in the living room and kitchen without your parents asking you to.
#4 Wash and/or dry the dishes.
#5 Do not fight and argue with your sisters & brothers.
#6 Eat what you are given and don’t whine or make “yuck” faces when given it.
#7 Don’t talk rudly to adults
#8 Always share with other kids.
#9 Go to bed when you are told to.
#10 Research the pet and breed you want to be 100% certain that it is the right one for you.
# 11 Ask them about getting this new pet in a nice way and don’t beg and whine about it.
If 100% sure that if you give those a try, they will see that you are serious about wanting to add a this pet to your life and family. 🙂
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