Brianaaa<3: Clitoris ??
ok….there’s something like growing on the side (left) of my clit…it’s like skin is growing and when i felt it it just felt like skin there’s no lump/bump ect…. but i want to know what it is ….it’s not cancer is it ???
Answers and Views:
Answer by I’M NOT ON A DIET!!
how would we know??
go to the doctor, that doesn’t sound good!
I would go to a gyno ASAP… you can never be too sure. Good Luck!Answer by Black Zeppelin Purple Floyd
…………………………Answer by strangelittlegirls
goto a gynoAnswer by Green
Yes, go to the doctor. It could just be a skin tag. They are harmless.Answer by draeb7
I would talk to your doctor and tell them when it started to grow and if it is bothersome to you.Answer by swimmin_manda_02
never know. go to the doctor and get it checked out.Answer by emily
why are you coming onto a computer to ask such a ridiculously personal question like that? seriously, the hell would we know? why dont you call the doctor or better yet go to one.Answer by Español
you need a doctor bae.Answer by D.S.M
you need a doctor not answersAnswer by Kristal A
It might be a wart. You should go to the doctor.Certain warts (HPV) can cause cancer.(std)Answer by Dee
go to the docorAnswer by lacey
it could just be skin. every one va jay jay differnent but deff. go see a doctor to make sure. hope everything works outAnswer by pgarox
Yeah, definitely go to a doctor.Answer by 64 Cat
It is proably nothing to worry about but you should get it checked out.Answer by UPESKYMO
I really think you should talk to a doctor about the problem. You never know what you will get for an answer on here. I have no idea what it could be, but I really do not think it is anything serious. But still I would have it checked. Good luck dear!Answer by beauty
i had one of those and my dr said it was a systAnswer by Learian
i think “beauty” was right most likly a cystAnswer by magnetic_azimuth
as an or tech for 9 years i offer the following
first, it is probably an infected glan, easily treated, just see your doc
sorry it is not more complex, but sometimes it is not
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