Any: chemistry????????
ok i know this guy and his is super cute and i have a great time with him,but i want to know if i like him or is just chemistry. how can you know when is love or just the chemistry.
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Answer by morgaine_lafay71
Love is something that grows between 2 people of time.
Chemistry is a great start that can lead to love.
I have great chemistry with my husband of 15 yrs and love grew stronger over the years. Hope this answered your question.
Answer by bound4stardom59
You know if it is just chemistry or an attraction when you are just sort of drawn to each other, but if it goes beyond that and you find yourself wanting to get to know him and be with him and go beyond that attraction, then it is more than ‘just the chemistry’.
P.S.- You should use grammar check or something.
Answer by Raiden
People aren’t animals, so chemistry doesn’t have anything to do with love. If you love him, you will certainly know it.
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