Merrico: Can you ride a cruiser style motorcycle like the GZ250 or the V-Star 250 during the winter?
I was thinking of buying one of these bikes for my first vehicle because I don’t have the money for a car and because these bikes are much more fuel efficient than cars. So, only having the motorcycle I would need to use it year round. So, can I? Also, if going straight to riding a motorcycle is a bad idea please tell me. Thanks.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Yam King 7
Well, You can rent bikes here:
Eagle Rider Rentals:
I suggest you take this class first:
Motorcycle Safety Foundation:
Yes, you can ride in the winter if you wear the right gear.
The folks at the bike shop will give you suggestions on what you’ll need.
They actually make heated gloves and clothes if you can afford them.
I ride in the winter without the heated stuff because my ride is only 8 miles to work.
Answer by dirtytricksracing
Yes you can ride them year around but winter is not the best time to learn. Get some weather gear and go slow.
Answer by Jay P
You can ride any bike any time of the year if you want but if you live in an area with colder temperatures and the possibility of snow and/or ice, be aware that the available traction for the bike will be much, much less.
Answer by masvx800
Real riders don’t park the bike just ’cause of some snow or ice 😀
You can ride year ’round, but I’ve found dual purpose bikes are easier to handle in the slushy stuff. If you can ride on dirt/sand then you can ride on snow.
Remember that you’ll have to bundle up against the windchill. Electric clothing is great if your bike has the charging capacity for it. You can also get anti-fogging stuff for your helmet visor.
If you want to race everyone and treat the roads like your own private race track, fill out your donor card now. You WILL die! If you have some self-control and practice your observational skills and defensive driving, you’ll likely do fine. Just realize that no matter your record, just because you’re young insurance will be more, especially for a sport bike. But your cruiser shouldn’t be a premium killer, especially if it’s under 1000cc and paid for. In ’82 when I got my first bike (19 years old) my insurance was $ 12 FOR THE YEAR. Part of that was that the riding season up north was only 6 months and my first bike was just a 125.
Definitely take the MSF course if you haven’t already. Tell the instructor about your interest in winter riding and he should give you some tips. Also, if you can (this can depend on age) rent a dual purpose bike and take it onto some sand or loose dirt to get comfortable with sliding the rear. And watch out for those dead leaves; they secrete some kind of oil as they decay, very very slick!
Answer by Mad Jack
Shouldn’t be a problem as long as there is no snow or ice on the road.
Dress accordingly for the cold.
While riding 60 MPH and the air temperature is 40F, the wind chill is 25F
While riding 60 MPH and the air temperature is 30F, the wind chill is 10F
While riding 60 MPH and the air temperature is 20F, the wind chill is -4F
While riding 60 MPH and the air temperature is 10F, the wind chill is -19F
It is not very smart to ride in snow or ice. You will have little to no control. Not a good combination for an inexperienced rider.
Stupid Hurts.
Answer by kobascle
It depends on where you live. If you dress properly the cold won`t be a problem. But if there is snow, ice, or slush on the road, forget it. I remember one dry sunny winter day I took my bike out. The temp dropped below the freeze point and the snow that had melted and ran across the road turned to ice
Answer by Nate
ah, I wouldn’t recommend a bike for your first vehicle in the first place but if you can drive a stick then you can ride a bike allright.
It depends on where you live, it’s about 4°F outside in colorado right now and you’d have to be insane to even think about it here, but in california or florida I see no reason why not.
you need to take the MSF class which some guy put a link for up above.
Answer by bluff mike
The bikes you mention are excellent choices for someone with zero experience. Motorcycle Safety Foundation instructors use 250cc cruisers because they are easiest to learn on.
As for riding in the winter, that’s going to depend partly on where you live. On the Texas coast, there are very few days we cannot ride. In Montana, there are days on end when people can’t even get out of their houses.
Talk to local riders.
Answer by BitterOldBastard!!!!!
a 250 is not even powerful enough to plow through a light dusting of snow
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