Clayton: Is the alienware m15x a good general computing laptop?
Im looking for a laptop for collage and was looking at the alienware 15x. I know it is a good gaming laptop, which I want. But I also need one that can handle computing for engineering, ex autocad, as that is the field I am majoring in. All I want to know is if it good for general purpose stuff.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jack
Alienware is known for being the best computer but keep in ming the fact that besides power they suck. They have no warranty, cost a lot, and have been known to overheat. It will handle it all but its risky.
Answer by 4th branch
i myself dont care for alienwares but they are nice but for the money i would recommend this beast of a computer
Answer by MikeTheVike
With Alienware the main thing your paying for is the name. Alienware’s aren’t even that good – especially for the price which is far too overpriced! I’d reccomend something like this (the link)!
Although the alienware is great for the stuff you’ve mentioned, to get a better money’s worth I’d go for this one !
Hope I helped!
Answer by Brucethemoose
Well, actually, for autocad, you would want a laptop with a professional graphics card, like nvidia quaddro or whatever the ATI equivalent is. Unfortunately, laptops like this are usually quite expensive.
Alienwares are good gaming laptops, but for the price, they are pretty bad. Instead of hardware, you’re paying for lots of LEDs and lots of marketing and advertising, and Dells aren’t exactly bulletproof in terms of reliability.
For that price, if you want an absolute POWERHOUSE of a laptop, go for the Clevo X7200,or.&fp=563c33928d93abad&ion=1
The GTX 485m sli graphics cards are the most powerful cards ever put into a laptop. These cards are stronger than most gaming desktops, and I imagine they won’t even flinch with tasks like autocad.
According to this:
You can get a laptop with two monsterous GTX485M cards in SLI, a good i7 960 processor, 6gb of RAM, and a few extra goodies for around $ 2100. Thats amazing. That laptop would eat the m15x and spit it back out, if you know what I mean, although I would imagine that it would burn through the battery pretty fast if you found a program that could actually max out both GTX 485M GPUs.
Answer by Ryoko N
get asus rog.
and Nvidia quadro is for work station dude, aint for gaming…
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