: Why has the international community failed to peacefully stop Iran from building nuclear bombs?
If international pressure were harsh enough then Iran would not try to build a nuclear bomb. The west and the EU are sanctioning Iran because Isreal is making noise about Iran’s behavior. The international community should of imposed oil embargos a long time ago.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Koala Bare
Because the international community are the one’s selling them the technology?
Currency Warfare: What are the Real Targets of the E.U. Oil Embargo against Iran?
https://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=28973Answer by spotty
Do yourself a favor and check out the link John Galt gave. This situation continues to spiral out of control because U.S. and European citizens are fed the same misinformation and swallow it without question. Always remember to question authority. It’s not a popular stance anymore, but it is essential unless you want to join the rest of the sheep heading for the slaughter.Answer by Tee-Rex
It’s not the oil embargo’s they don’t work what should be imposed is refined petrol products into Iran since iran has no oil refinery’s now that would workAnswer by kenoplayer
They are producing nuclear energy for a cheaper source of electricity for their tens of millions of citizens. Not weapons. That is propaganda from Israel and US. Remember the US bogus claims of WMDs in Iraq.
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