Cody: With regards to the stock market, what is a “bull market” or bullish investing?
Are there other types of economies, or investment attitudes other than “bullish” ? What kind of person is a “bullish” person ?
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Answer by Finance
A bullish market is a market thats going up in value. The opposite is bearish, which is when it goes down.
A long term uptrend (months to years) price movement in any market, characterized by a series of higher intermediate highs (those established within weeks to months) interrupted by higher consecutive intermediate lows.A bull market tends to be associated with increasing investor confidence, motivating investors to buy in anticipation of further capital gains.
A long term downtrend (a downtrend lasting months to years) in any market, especially the stock market, characterized by lower intermediate lows (those established in a time frame of weeks to months) interrupted by lower intermediate highs.A bear market is described as being accompanied by widespread pessimism. Investors anticipating further losses are motivated to sell, with negative sentiment feeding on itself in a vicious circle.
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