ARMD: Why some cultures do not put family as importance as much as others?
Why do cultures like S. Americans, Eastern Europeans, asians middle easterns etc have so much emphasize on family & extended family while westerners such as anglo-saxons do not? Like in Italy/Greece family goes from father to uncle to uncles neighbor lol where every one communicates on daily basis.
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Answer by BikerChick
Because they are too busy trying just trying to survive, and stay ahead of all the competition. We put WAY too much emphasis on how we look, what we have, and who thinks what about us. That makes us insecure and insecurity makes us selfish. It also does not help that our society no longer supports MORALS, VALUES, or togetherness as a society by allowing minority groups power to destroy such beliefs. WHY bother even having a family when minors can force their lack of morals on their parents leaving the parents powerless. In other cultures like those you mentioned, children are taught that “elders” are to be respected at all times – what they say is the law no matter what.
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