coolfunfitness: Why is it that some NYSE stocks don’t get traded in the premarket hours?
I notice sometimes that some NYSE stocks trade in the premarket hours between 7:00am and 9:30am and some do not, even when their is good news before the market opens. Why do some NYSE stocks get traded in the early hours and some do not move until 9:30am? Thanks.
Answers and Views:
Answer by muncie birder
I do not know for certain, but it might be because there is too much spread between the bid and the ask and buyer and seller can not come together. I have tried to buy certain stocks in after hours trading but I was not able to at my bid price.
Answer by FatHalo
I am not sure, but I would guess it depends on the liquidity of the stock.
Answer by Ted
It takes a buyer and a seller to agree on a price in order to get a trade done. Most buyers and sellers wait for regular hours and the better pricing that comes with increased liquidity.
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