lake: Why is having small breasts considered a bad thing?
On certain forums, blogs, and websites I’ve seen people talk about small breasts (size A cup and under) almost like they are a deformity. The media also acts this way about them. Why is it such bad thing?
I’m just tired of trying to feel good about my breast size and then being beat down.
You guys don’t understand how much I’ve been made fun of for having such small breasts.
Answers and Views:
Answer by ladycatangel
all i have to say to you is i wish my boobs where that small i have tons of back problems
haha, i don’t think it’s a bad thing.
The women in my family,
are all DD, or bigger.
And they tend to have back pain,
due to the weight of having bigger breasts.
When my sister was my age, she was a DD,
and im just a B, which isnt large at all.
Just, embrace it. (:
Thats what I do.
And, know that you wont have back pain, later on.
And when you’re an old woman, no saggy boobs.
That’s a good thing.Answer by kira
One day, someone decided to get big, fake boobs, and that became the trend. I would love to have smaller boobs, I’m a 34DD and they almost look fake. It brings negative attention. But different people prefer different types of women. You just happened to look at the websites that aren’t into thatAnswer by Sharz
well men like breasts
but its not a bad thing!
dont feel put down!
theres men out there who like smaller breasts!
how do you think women with extremly large breasts feel when their talking to someone and all they look at is their breasts…not a good feeling, dont let it bother you its not a bad thing!Answer by Sara B
small breasts are awsome!
many people have this machismo thing where i guess their girls chest size is the same as the size of whats in their boxers. bigger is supposedly better. people are just silly and there are plenty who dont think that wayAnswer by Sylvia
Because in human nature, larger breast sizes are a sign of good fertility, therefore more desirable .Answer by Sarah N
Only people that care about everything but the important things that make up a real person say that crap, feel fortunate, at least you will know when someone wants to be with you it wont be for your assets…Answer by wladekslaw
i honestly perfer small breast then big cause it looks more natural , dont listen to people especially the media, be happy with what you have, dont let anybody bring you down especially over something thats naturalAnswer by Happy D
Don’t listen to what you read.
Guys are pig, that only care about big b00bs.
Your perfect the way you are!
Plus you might be undeveloped…. how old are you?Answer by Michelle
well i personally don’t think it’s a bad thing
i love having small breasts
they don’t get in the way at all
and i know that guys like me for me
and not for my rackAnswer by Me.
I wish my D’s were a little bit smaller.
I don’t see the media acting like small boobs are bad things. All high fashion, runway etc. models are small. Unless you are modeling for men’s magazine of Victoria’s, you gotta be small or normal. The bloggers and forumers are probably just really superficial since small can be just as good as big.
Personally, I’m sick of all the big boobed people being labeled as skanks, whores etc. when they wear the same shirt as a small boobed person and show equal or less cleavage, most likley because they are jealous though so they deem us to only wear real baggy clothes always…
And big = Saggy is NOT TRUE. Scientifically, all objects of the same density fall at the same rate, regardless of weight. Newton’s law!
edit: tell them to kiss your buttocks and move on with it. something like small boobs isn’t even that big of a deal to be made fun of. helk, I get called skanky all the time cauz I wear a tank to that shows nothing cleavage wise, or guys make perverted comments, girls give me nasty looks, etc.. I deal with it.
And it sounds like your so convinced with how bad your size is, hun, you want us to hate it as much as you do.. You asked why and we gave answers.
Answer by tmanPersonally I’m not into plastic, so I say be who you are. I’m not a girl so I don’t know. Do girls really want guys to lust after them, or do they just do this stuff because they feel they have to compete?Answer by pirate
I feel your pain, but I find that guys don’t actually care that much. Sure most of them like big boobs, but many will be happy enough with smaller ones.
I find the problem for me lies less in what people think of them, and more in the fact that clothes such as dresses fit me perfectly round the bottom half but are oodles too big in the chest.
to tman: I think it’s a bit of both. I wanna look good to please my man AND to intimidate and be the “best” among girls. Admittedly, I wanna be the best so my man can have the best… cruel circle!
Answer by rebeccawell I’m a B so I guess that’s normal, not too big, not too tiny but AA means you have like literly nothing. that’s not a bad thing, it’s proportionate to your body usually, and people will always be uncomfortable with their bodys, so live it up (: there are sooo many girls that want our boobs! haha just jealous cua they don’t got ’em.Answer by Rachel H
well having small ninnies are’nt bad, i mean compare ther size to the rest of your body, i mean if you are 6ft tall, weigh 100 pounds, are big d’s going to look hot, no, trashy. so if ther size complements the rest of ur body its no biggy, and dont listen to the media, ther full of crap, e urself, if anyone has a problem with it dont be ther firend, half of them are buttfreaks anywayAnswer by Gamber
Oh yes.Having like size C cups are overrated.I would consider you, fortunate.Seriously.
However, I think the hype about smaller breasts is based on famous people’s bodies.The people who appear annorexic usually have smaller breasts(because of a lack of fat on their bodies). Also, breasts are one of the features that define a female from a male…so people make a big deal of them.But don’t feel self conscious.Really bigger breasts just get in the way…
its not a bad thing, its just that guys like girlswith larger breasts.
i do too, i like reasonable sized breasts, not too big, or too small.
Answer by k hI think some will always try to make fun of anything – thin people, thick people, small breasted ones, large breasted ones.
You may have been an “easy target” if in yourself you have been a little too worried whether your breasts were a handicap… like maybe when you were very young, thinking “oh no, did something happen to all the other girls, but not to me…?”
That may have made you a little vulnerable. Do you think that could be the reason?
I don’t know if there is a special “big breasts” fetish going around at the moment (what country are you from?)
But probably in a few years when a lot of women start telling about their sad experiences with implants, it may get very much in vogue to have small breasts ;o)
Actually, I heard the other day a fun writer we have here in Denmark, telling about when she was young in the late 1920s or early 30s that she used to bind a scarf around hers to appear to have smaller. Because that was considered the hottest.
My long time wife has extremely small breasts – and it has never given any problems whatsoever, except that she herself was shy about it in the beginning ;o)
We haven’t talked much about, but she said that she has not been teased, and it been a good thing to be at the locker rooms at sports, cause “you really get all kinds”. And there was this other girl who was worried her behind was too big.
People say all sorts of things. Just you get happy – and let them talk. They probably don’t know.
Answer by JesseI really would not worry about it so much. Confidence in who you are and what you have is very important. People can be cruel and hurtful, especially when they sense a lack of confidence. You have to have pride in who you are and feel good about yourself regardless of what others say. People find confidence to be very attractive and sexy. A person can be of below average looks and still be desirable. its also important to make the best with what you are given in a situation. If you can do that then you will be a very happy person.
Personally I like smaller breasts, the big ones bore me and descending into a little bit of perversion… In my opinion anymore then a mouthful is a waste… i’ll leave it at that
Answer by {Kutie}i understand completely
my chest is small to, and i get made fun of to
by my family members and friends.
But i don’t let it bother me, at least i have something (lol)
also some boys don’t care about the size or at least the ones I knoAnswer by Lex
dont you dare wish you had big breasts
i have breast cancer and idk y, but it makes my breasts really big
i got breast cancer wen i was 12, wich is yung
the doctor also said that i have one of the biggest breasts in america, and it sucks
so guys just like ‘bigger’ girls bcuz they like to fool around with them
and trust me, you dont want guys to be looking at your breasts, then your face
Answer by AndreaIt is not a bad thing !
I don’t know the situations you have been in that have resulted in the ridicule but please try and stay away from those if you can – and if any as so called friends – dump them.
You are who you are – please just believe you are beautiful. If you would like to be a bit bigger, talk to you doctor and possible treatment such as implants or there are numerous creams that purport to assis in growth.
Also make sure you dress to enhance and not detract from your figure. These are three sites that I just found that may be of use for you.
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