symbo61: Why does my dog get singled out by a husky?
We’ve been taking our 5 month old Boxer Cross to the dog park for a few weeks now. Almost every dog there plays very well with him, or just ignores him as older dogs will do.
However, there is this one 2 year old Husky that will single him out, run him down, grab his throat, slam him to the ground and hold him there until someone pulls him off. There could be 20 other dogs at the park, but as soon as our dog makes his entrance we’ll see this Husky come running from the other side of the park to take him down.
We understand the dominance factor and that the Husky may be trying to set the tone and let my dog know who’s boss. But other pups and dogs who show up never get the same kind of “welcome” from the Husky as ours does.
What behavior could my dog be exerting to warrant this action from the Husky? Our dog is NOT aggressive, but is fearless and will welcome play from any dog of any size. So when he sees the Husky coming he play poses, but the Husky just takes him down.
The trouble is we like to take him to the park after work, it’s dark by 7ish, so 6-7 is really the best time for us. Which is clearly the best time for the Husky owner as well. It will be easier come spring as we can go later with no issue. But for now it’s our only option.
I should also mention that last night the husky actually picked up our dog by the throat and swung him a bit like a rag doll. He’d done this once before when our pup had a coat on. The husky grabbed the coat and shook him vigorously.
Our pup goes submissive right away when confronted by the Husky. But it will go on for 15-20 minutes before the Husky gets bored with him. Admittedly, one freed our pup will run after the Husky a few times before figuring out it is to no avail. Then her will try to avoid him. But if the Husky sees him playing with another dog he will run and take him down…again and again.
Answers and Views:
Answer by moosefamily6
To me it doesn’t sound like its your dogs before…The Husky sounds like an aggressive dog and needs to have his manners curb…I understand the dominance and pack mentality but the owner of the husky should really try to get this into check…Its possible that the husky has done this to the other dogs before also and thats why they don’t get the same welcome..Its also possible that since your dog is new that he feels that he can be pushed around…My reccomendations is if you don’t like the behaviour the husky is exhibiting towards your dog try to choose a different time to go to the dog park….. Good luck but I would seriously talk with the owners and let them know your concerns.
Answer by letsget_dangerousyou have already said the reason. For some reason the husky obviously see’s your dog a s the dominant one in the park. It is a very good sign that he only takes him down. It shows he is not wanting to hurt him but dogs have the need to make a stand and obtain boss dog status for lack of a better term. I wouldn’t worry about it unless you think they may fight, then you have to do something about it. But if all the husky does is put him down they will be friends befor you know it….Lets
Normally the only time their will be a problem is if you get two dogs that think they both are stronger. I,ve never seen an aggressive boxer, and for that mater a mean husky, aggressive but not mean…Answer by melissa k
I don’t know what signs your pup is sending. Whatever they are, they are likely subtle. Since all other dogs like your pup and the Husky seems to get along with all other dogs, it is probably just a personality conflict. We all have met someone at some time that we intensely disliked almost immediately – they just rub us the wrong way. I would just avoid the dog park if the Husky is there. Maybe even talk to the owner to find out what their schedule is so you know when not to be go.Answer by Jacob W
Your dog is still a puppy and does not yet know the proper response. What the Husky is doing is, indeed, based on teaching the puppy to be respectful of the Alpha dog. In a normal pack type of environment, your dog would have had this happen to him by every superior dog in the pack every day, so he would have learned it by now. But since he does not live in a pack it will take him longer. The Husky is most likely, not neutered so he is showing his superiority. Your dog should soon learn to show submissive behavior towards that Husky pretty quick. The tide may turn as your dog reaches adult hood unless your dog is neutered first. Then the other dogs will not see him as a threat and will leave him alone.
The normal way it works is the puppy stands up to the older dog but thinks it is for play. The older dog puts him down and grabs his throat (but doesn’t damage him) . The puppy will assume a submissive posture (belly up) and many evey whine. Having gotten his due respect, the Husky should then leave him alone.
Answer by JRHuskies have an excessively high prey drive and without extreme professional training it can get out of control. This is a perfect example why huskies are not for the first time dog owner. This is not a dog to get because its pretty.
It may help if your pup is neutered.
Answer by Kelly CYour dog is a work in progress for the husky.. so to speak. The husky probably has no need to do this to the other dogs because they all accord him the respect he desires. Your dog keeps play posing when the husky comes, but that is not the appropriate response.. no wonder the husky singles out your dog it probably drives him bonkers that your dog doesnt get the point of what he is supposed to do when the husky approaches. When a dog is dominant as this husky surely is they demand subservience and they will beat it into any dog that doesnt show the proper level of respect. (unless another dog comes along who is just as dominant then you have a real clash of wills and a real fight.. winner takes all) What your dog should be doing when the husky approaches is showing submission, crouching, mouth-licking, tail-between the legs, rollover on the back submission that acknowledges the husky as boss. Once your dog learns this the husky will leave him alone, next time you are at the park watch how the other dogs react when the husky approaches, what kind of body language do they display? do they lick his muzzle from below, crouch lower, tuck the tail, fawn over him and then initiate play? how does the husky react? then watch what happens when the husky approaches your dog, I bet the response from your dog is completely different and that is why the husky keeps singling him out because he is trying to teach him his place and the appropriate behaviour accorded to one in that social position.
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