~Sara~: Where can I find a jigsaw frame for an unusually sized puzzle in the UK?
I have a panoramic puzzle which is 39′ x 12′ and need a jigsaw frame to place it in. Does anyone know of any websites/shops where I can buy custom-made frames?
If i cant find this, if i found a normal photo frame instead for the right dimensions, would a puzzle fit into this ok?
Answers and Views:
Answer by caitlynn. boss.
yes the puzzle will fit fine you should glue it together on the back with elmers rubber cement glue. it really works but you have to put it on fast because it dry’s fast. for the frame in the UK i don’t know because iv’e never been there
but you should try craft stores, hardware stores,
but websites you can go to hobby lobby, walmart, target, many place just put it in google and there will be tons heck you might even be able to buy on on ebay.
good luck
Answer by Walter M- Barbara
Since you want to frame the puzzle and can’t find a frame
shop in the UK try to get a carpenter handyman to work
the wood to fit the puzzle. Even the frame shops in the US
can’t always come up with a ready made frame and they have
to work the wood around the puzzle!!! Good Luck!!
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