destiny: Whats the difference between shopping in the suburbs vs the inner city?
Whats the difference between shopping in the suburbs vs the inner city?
I am doing a report and I am saying that shopping venues are different in suburbs than in the inner city..But I dont know how.. Im thinking maybe the pricing. But if the pricing is different why is that so??
Answers and Views:
Answer by Temple31378
gunfire? but seriously if its prices you wondering about. Prices are subjective. A pair of jeans from the SAP only cost about a dollar to make just like generic jeans from poor-mart. Poor-mart services poor people in poor neighborhoods so the markup is less for essentially the same thing. The label makes a big difference too. Rip the label off the SAP jeans and they are just jeans. With the label on they are not just jeans they are also status symbols. Stores like BJ MAXX will buy unsold designer labels and charge much less but still make a profit, and probably a good one, because the original product only cost pennies to make in the first place.
Answer by Trudi Newman
One plus is its easier to find parking in the suburbs and more times than not its free, unlike city parking which is ridiculously over-priced. On the flip side, I find that inner city shopping tends to have a bigger range and variety of products than the suburbs. I also find that you can always find a good bargain or two in the City, which I am guessing is because they have a higher volume of customers and need to keep up to date with the latest trends and styles more so than in the suburbs to survive.
Answer by Drop Of Jupiter
Suburbs – more quiet; possibly cheaper parking; possibly more posh people shopping as it’s closer to their suburban homes.
Inner city – much busier; more tourists; more chavs.
Hope this helps! 😀
Answer by Nageshwararao
Aura, is a word meaning, an invisible emanation or exhalation, other shades apart.
Visitors and tourists collect, buy, get as gift from friends; items articles from the places which they visit. While conversing with people at home they proudly say ‘I bought this in New york, this piece is from London, and this flower vase is from Italy I mean Rome’ It is human to be so.
Central Business District has the same aura,viewed from that angle; in comparison to the suburban market.
For the people of less developed sectors of the world, the developed countries provide that psychic satisfaction.
Within the same city, the Central Business District provides the same type of vent than the Suburbs.
Economic factors perhaps remain secondary, when it comes to Vanity.
One who is really focusing on utility of the stuff may go for purchase in out skirts of the town, as he knows the shop in the center has to pay that extra which is drawn indirectly from the buyer’s pocket.
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