Mytias: What’s the difference between sex with the person you love and Pro creation?
I’ve been wondering this a lot because sex even if you don’t care about the person can sometimes lead to you two eventually falling in love if you both agreed to having it in the first place. At least from what I have seen, but in this case if you have sex and you get pregnant your basically creating a life and that’s what happens in procreation as well it’s just that they don’t care that much for the person. but is this true and what’s the difference between Procreation and actual physical and emotional love for a human being during sex?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Nihil
Yes, procreation is making a child.. Children can be made without love. Rape is an extreme example.
Procreation is for survival; back then – when you were in an area with no people for Hundred of miles; they would have sex only for the sake of creating a little village – those were the timesAnswer by Corey
Procreation means reproducing. Making babies (for humans). Sex doesn’t require procreation. And procreation doesn’t actually need sex.Answer by DÖUGHBOY
It’s pretty simple: Marriage is a factor.
Here ya go:
1 Corinthians 6: 9 – 11
What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom. And yet that is what some of YOU were.
Hope this was helpful. God Bless.
Answer by ToborThe “oops!” factor.Answer by burtlikko
Have sex with someone you love and with whom you are in a committed relationship.
If you want a child with that person, go for it. No one says you have to have a child, no one says you can’t have one, either.
YOU decide these things. Not other people, not the ancient texts of ignorant Bronze Age shepherds.
Answer by JordanProcreation is literally having offspring (a baby.)
If you have sex with some random stranger, and end up accidentally getting pregnant and having a baby, that’s called procreation.
If you fall deeply in love with another individual and decide carefully and intelligently that the both of you are able to support and raise a child, and end up getting pregnant, that’s also called procreation.
Procreation has nothing to do with feelings between two people, it’s just the process of creating life for your species survival. All animals procreate sexually, and in some cases, asexually.
Answer by Saku Filthwell first, sex doesn’t lead to love. Ever.
Procreation is to make babies. Sex doesn’t always make babies. I would have thought it was simple.
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