JARES: What’s the best way to get into selling new construction homes?
I currently am just getting started in real estate. I would like to work for a builder instead of general agency like Century 21 or RE/MAX. Has anyone done both of these type of sales? I would like some one to answer who has experience, not looking for “well, it’s not the best time to get into real estate.” New home sales Vs. Pre-home sales if that makes sense. Thank you.
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Answer by leonardhomes@sbcglobal.net
Do you have a broker lic? Getting a builder to go with a new agent is tough. The only thing you can do is go visit the builders and show them how you would market their homes. A big thing builders look for is an agent that will advertise and keep the house open daily for buyers. It took me 3 yrs before I was able to get my first builder, And that was because they knew I kept houses open 6 days a week.
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