Vicks: What type of dog fits my lifestyle and environment?
I’m thinking of getting a dog. The only problem is that we live next to a reserve, so i’m thinking that it should fit into a few criterias:
– Does not bark excessively (many people walking in the reserve)
– An able guard dog, just enough to keep strangers from entering our property
– Not a hard dog to train, as i’ve never owned a dog before.
– Preferably not aggressive.
Are there any dogs which have these traits? I’d really appreciate some answers, i’m no dog expert so this will help me a lot. Thanks.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Nancy M
Go to the website. I think a Rottweiler or maybe a Doberman Pinscher. Both dogs are very loyal, quiet and intelligent. Having said this- I am owned by a chihuahua. She’s the best guard dog around- but somewhat noisy!
Any dog can be aggressive regardless of it’s breed. However with proper training and knowing how to handle the breed that can be easily overcome. From my personal experiences I have found that larger dogs are easier to train than smaller breeds. My two easiest a Great Dane taht we rescued from a neglectful/abusive home and my current German Shepherd. Neither bark much. My GSD is still a puppy, only 14 weeks tomorrow, and he really only barks if he needs to go outside to do his thing, but we’ve also trained him to do that. He doesn;t bark at people walking by or kids playing outside. We even have a stray cat that comes up to our door because he knows we’ll feed him when he does, the dog just stares at him and then shakes his head and goes off to play. I also have two bunnies in the house and he couldn;t care less about them. He doesn’t even acknowledge their existance. GSD’s are extremely easy to train and actually want to learn. They love having a “job” to do. If I had to choose one it would be either one of them, but I lean more toward the GSD.
Answer by agoodgirl_msjYou could take your pick, at your local animal shelter!! They always make fine pets! You could find just the pet you are looking for, and save a life at the same time!! They make the most loving friends!!Answer by Kathryn J
First of all you need to decide if you have enough time for a dog! While there are different traits for dogs, they can all have their difficulties. for example i have a cavalier king charles spaniel. He has been really easy to train apart from his toileting – it stands to reason that dog’s are not going to be good at everyhing, and some things take time to learn. He doesn’t bark, is excellent on a lead, good with commands etcAnswer by Preston H
Well, it’s hard to get a dog that is easy to train but is also a guard dog as well. And then it’s also hard for then not to be aggressive.
I’d say a German Shepherd would be a fairly good choice. You just have to watch for them being jealous, they can be very easily.
Giant Schnauzers are also very good guard dogs though their fur is a bit long.
Basically any shepherd that has a clam attitude would be fine.Answer by Hal W
try this
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