Bruno: What today we call religions mythology one day be called?
Does Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism are not mythologies here 2,000 years or more? Will all the current religions will be seen only as mythology is seen today as all other ancient religions such as Greek mythology?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Shade Usher
Probably. I consider them all mythologies already. Makes it more fun to read.
Answer by Bob H
Nope, just sad stories.
Answer by Eddy Metal
Religions turn into mythology after people open their eyes to the beliefs of that religion.
Answer by auntie sarah
Christianity, Islam, Judaism are religions by one God. Hinduism is religion of many Gods.
Christianity,and Judaism will be remembered by the Muslims with the authority of the Quran. Islam is the final word of God.
Answer by Robert
What Shade Usher said…
Answer by Almighty Seemos
Let’s hope so, or we’re fucked.
Answer by wleef2002
“My favorite definition of religion is ‘a misinterpretation of mythology’. And the misinterpretation consists precisely in attributing historical references to symbols which properly are spiritual in reference.”
Joseph Campbell
Once the religious mythologies of today are seen to be not historical, then they will be seen to be the mythologies they actually are.
Answer by Carl
Jesus will be returning long before then.
Answer by Rico JPA
They are currently mythologies, and will continue to be mythologies. I do not say that to be derogatory. I find as much laudable and important in the bible as I do in the epics of Homer. I object when people use the term “myth” in a dismissive manner. The MYTHIC literature of humanity is our heart, our imaginative spirit, a record of who we’ve been, and frame work for asking questions about who we want to become.
I agree that all theistic religions are mythology. I disagree with the position that this means they are worthless or somehow false.
Myth has broader shoulders than mere fact, to carry a larger burden of the truth.
Study why our myths define who we are as a culture. Study why they are shaped the way they are, and why, despite differences from era to era and place to place, key archetypes always manifest themselves (like a redeemer figure).
All the sacred literature of Mankind may prove that no one culture has a monopoly on truth, that no one has yet succeeded in accurately describing what we feel is divine, but the similarities also hint that humanity may, indeed, be intuiting something that is beyond our current ability to explain in naturalistic terms.
I recommend watching (or reading the companion book) Joseph Campbell’s PBS, “The Power of Myth”.
Of course, if you are of a sort, either believer or unbeliever, who insists that mythic literature be taken literally, there’s not much chance you will be engaged by the tremendous impact the paradoxical literature has had on music, art, literature, and civilzation in general. You will be among those classed as people who keep their ears in their mouths and cannot listen unless they, themselves are speaking.
Answer by Narasimha RaoB
Hinduism believes in only one god BRAHMAN.
BRAHMAN is omnipresent, omnipresent, omnipotent, all loving, eternal, everlasting, formless, nameless, unknown god, attribute less god .
Out of the power of BRAHMAN godess Kali is separated. Kali is shankthi or power or time.
This godess Kali created other gods and godesses.
Depending upon your human temparament Hindu’s worships god of their choice.
Christianity, Islam, Judaism have no choice in relation to worship of god. Only choice Christianity, Islam have is converting all other religion into their faith.
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