Scarlet –: What to use in a garden spot to kill weeds naturally or completely?
My mother’s garden spot is eaten up with morning glories, and every other weed imaginable.. I want to totally clear this spot of weeds before the spring planting season.What should I use to totally kill all plant growth but still allow me to plant a garden this spring??What is the safest product to use that will wear off within three months of applying?
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Answer by skeptical
Spot kill? Boiling water. It works well.
Sounds like you need something more like an area kill, though.
Roundup is really safe – it breaks down in the soil within a few weeks.
If you don’t want to go that route, just cover the whole thing with black plastic, and you’ll bake them weeds into oblivion!
Answer by jaypauldinihi
i would dig them up , spend thw winter digging otu the roots, then in the spring quickly paint on roundup onto the early weed laeves.
this should do the trickAnswer by redleader
Boiling water, straight vinegar or if there are no plants in the bed that you want to save, cover the entire area with a sheet of black plastic when the soil begins to warm-up in the spring. Leave it in place for a week or two.
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