Hector C: What makes someone “fall in love” with someone and not someone else?
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Answer by ♥try to make this pretty…CO☼♥
i’ve always wondered taht…i think maybe it’s just that we’re drawn to people that we’d be totally compatible with, ya know? like…i think we fall in love with people that remind us a little of ourselves, and resemble a little of who we want to be. and of course, we love people that make us feel good 🙂 [but sometimes bad if that person is a dbag :(]
Chance.Answer by Cheetah_K
That is one of life’s great questions. Have no answer for you though…
Why have I fallen for the wrong people? That’s what I wanna know!
Answer by roasterwhen someone fall in love, there must be an object which one will fall into.
he finds it to be beautiful, unique, loving, nice, interesting, meaningful, satisfying, worthy and truthful,, etc
and it his desire to be with it or with her or being with, albeit possess her or possess it.
unlike desire, love is contented and happy being to possess or not to possess. the lover is satisfied wishing the beloved or object to be good and well. he is hopeful the loved one is in the best of health, always wishing the best……………….
if he finds someone or “it” but has not met his (personal)criteria, then the lover postpone loving, or stop being interested (or stupid ..lol)
Answer by RustyBoy that’s a question for the guru on the top of the mountain. There are probably hundreds of reasons.I think if you take out the number of people, especially young ones, who mistake lust for love it would narrow the field greatly. When I think about it I believe it’s because the someone you fall in love with strikes a spark, not just physical attraction, although that’s probably the main reason, but also a certain sense of humor, someone that reminds you of a parent, someone you feel comfortable with right away….lots and lots of reasons. To me the sad thing is that love does not conquer all and if you are one of the unlucky ones that falls in love with the wrong person you can end up living a miserable life, even if you do love hat person.Answer by Generalist
G In the analysis, without strumming guitars and flower petals, of the process that leads up to falling in love, it becomes clear that decisions about what is attractive and what is repelling are involved.Answer by Questor
Hector, I presume, this could be answered in the realm of Psychology and what’s higher still. It can’t be denied that matter vibrates at various frequencies. In fact, it was proven by science that these vibrations could be enhanced to good effect or resonated to, which could be disastrous. Microwave ovens work this wise. And this “resonance” could cause the breakdown of bridges.
Humans also possess frequencies by which their minds and consciousness are vibrating at. It is this subtle mental waves that make two people attuned to each other. It determines whether the consciousness are sympathetic or repulsive to one another. Some oriental disciplines believe that by attuning to the mental frequency of an individual is the way to connect to that individual’s mind set, and even feeling his moods and pains. And not only that, once a mental connection is made, it is even considered possible to communicate. Mental telepathy? Thought transfer? Anything is possible. The mind has limitless capabilities.
And there, sympathetic vibrations could lead to the meeting of the minds. And the common bond, in interests, harmonious outlook, ideas, philosophy in life, could develop into deep friendship, and ultimately love for ideally suited minds of oppossite genders.
Answer by destinyMy dear Hector…
Well…..LOVE is a learned phenomenon to begin with…Love is a learned, emotional reaction. It is a response to a learned group of stimuli and behaviors.
Love is NOT a “thing”. It’s NOT a “commodity” tat can be bartered for or bought….or sold, nor can it be forced upon or from someone! It can only voluntarily be given away !!! Love is always OPENED ARMS !!!To love others you must love yourself, because you can only give away, what you carry within.
To live in love is life’s greatest challenge- and there are soooo many facetts of love….-Real LOVE always creates, it never destroys-
Love is like a mirror. When you love another, you become his mirror and he becomes yours……- One does NOT…”fall in -or- out of love”…one GROWS in LOVE-!!!
Love is NEVER complete in any person. There is always room for growth ! At each point in a person’s life, his love is at a different level of development as well as in the process of becoming. It is foolish to feel that one’s love is ever completely realized or actualized. Perfect love is RARE INDEED !!! It is to be wondered, if any man has ever achieved it. This does not mean, that it may not be possible, nor a goal devoutly to be strived for. In fact, it is our greatest challenge, for love and the self are one and the discovery of either is the realization of both ! Love is only ONE kind…-LOVE IS LOVE-
I could go on….and…on with this subject, but I want to give someone else a chance to express themselves…
May you create all the love in the world for you and enjoy the process of loving, my dear ! Greetings from Germany with all my love & care….Annette***
Answer by nkisfrsexual chemistry or animal Magnetism.
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