Skimboarder: What kinda stocks should a 18 year old buy?
I’m 18 years old, living his parents, its my final year in High school. Which stocks would good for me to buy ? I’m planning to use only $ 100 for now.
Do u think APPLE is good company to invest in or any better suggestion ??
Answers and Views:
Answer by Lucy…
For $ 100, I would look to purchase some inexpensive bank stocks. If you lose the $ 100, you will not be overly devestated. For example, Wachovia’s stock was down to $ .99/share a month or so ago, and is now back up to $ 5. It’s been up on the $ 50s (probably much higher – not looking it up right now).
BTW, I don’t think you could afford Apple stock. It is just under $ 89. You have minimums when investing online, and processing fees. It may make more sense to buy a savings bond. 😉
Answer by cardgirl2
Try Direct Reinvestment Plans…Go to They have a list of companies that have direct reinvestment plans..meaning that you could buy one share at a time..It is the best way to go…especially for an 18 year old…You could save $ 100 bucks and invest in a Blue Chip Stock such as Apple, Pfizer; Ford; GM; Microsoft; Clorox; Walmart; Cisco; Johnson & Johnson; Yahoo; Google; and so many more…Apple is a great company…See if they are on this plan before talking to a broker…or buying on line…The dividends from these stocks go into buying more shares…It is great. That is how I accumulated 180 shares of Pfizer..and 59 shares of Clorox and 60 shares of Johnson & Johnson. For you I would go this route…Do a search also: Direct Reinvestment Plans for stocks…and see what comes up. Good Luck. This could be your ticket to having alot of money when you are in your 30’s…..think of it as a future investment for our country…Good Luck
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