: What kind of laws or regulations are there against websites involvment with marijuana in the United States?
I am wondering if there are any laws or regulations against websites containing weed or mariijuana in the U.S.? Such as selling glass pipes, glass bongs, bloging, forums, chats, pictures, videos, …etc. Thanks for your time and this question is open for discussion.
Answers and Views:
Answer by comscier
The website itself, is legal, but selling, shipping ain’t.
Everything you mentioned is fine… depending on the context. The term you want to look for is ‘head shop’. IT is different everywhere but legal if you DON’T advertise marijuana associated with it. So to say ‘these are for smoking weed’ would be unacceptable. You cannot have people smoking weed out of it or like ‘this gets you so high’ as the caption. If you ever have been to a head shop they sell you a little bag of tobacco with the pipe/bong in case you get pulled over on the way out. Since everybody knows what they are for. It’s illegal to have the glass pieces UNLESS you have something to prove (tobacco) you aren’t using it illegally.
You would want to have the commerce site be completely separate from the blog/forums/chat section. You really need to be careful your site could get shut down really quick if you have pictures of people using the product. Now posters of marijuana, t-shirts of like Bob Marley are COMPLETELY different. You can sell pipes AND those at the same time and magazines but can’t promote your products to be used for illegal use. It’s a FINE line. I would be very careful but just google search ‘buy a bong’ and look at those as an example. You will see the actual site promoting nothing but they will sell OTHER products that endorse it completely unrelated to their own. HighTimes magazines etc.
Answer by iceSelling and shipping isn’t legal but cannabis related websites are legal.Answer by Anonymous
Selling glass pipes and bongs is fine, you just can’t say it’s for marijuana use. When you’re selling bongs, it’s best to call them water pipes or else they could arrest you for selling them. That’s what happened with Tommy Chong.
Selling and shipping is totally legal though, pipes and bongs are only illegal if there is drug resin in them.
Some headshop websites do have forums where people talk about marijuana and post pictures of their smoking utensils on the site. How they get away with it, I don’t know.
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