I♥Music: What job requires me to travel to different countries?
I really love to travel and I’m wondering what job require me to travel to different countries. I’m thinking a well-payed job. I do not want to be an airplane attendant or any other job like marine. Not a translator either.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Gurinder
pilot obviousily
Answer by Tanya
Travel show host 🙂
Answer by Gil
The one that comes to mind is a travel agent. This requires you to study to become one first, then get a lot of experience, then either be a senior travel agent in a firm, or own youir own travel agency. These people then get to travel, either free or for little money, assessing destination’s suitability for their clients. ie working holiday, but much more holiday than work,
Answer by Chris
Cruise Line employee (idk if u can sight see)
Answer by Brie
You can get off at some destinations as cruise staff, mostly waiters because they dont need to be on the boat at the time of docking.
Answer by Isabella
Tour guide
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