Destiny: What is the definition of a recognized marriage?
In some states, same-sex marriage is only recognized. I understand that means if a same-sex couple gets legally married in a state that allows it, the state who recognizes them will do just that; recognize the marriage. But what’s the difference between a legal, full marriage and just a recognized marriage?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Darcy
It means that if you were legally married in a state that will legalize it and then move to a state that “recognizes it” it is still LEGAL…
I’m guessing here. But in a recognized marriage, neither partner has
– The right to make life or medical decisions for the other
– The right to the other partner’s estate if they die
– The right to get medical insurance from the other partner’s workplace
Equal status are what the gays are fighting for.
Answer by CourtneyThere is no difference. A recognized marriage IS a legal marriage.
Those states just recognizing gay marriages means that, a gay couple can get married in a state that will allow gay marriages and that gay couple can go live in a state that recognizes gay marriages without their marriage being voided within those state lines. That state will treat that couple as a married couple; that state just wouldn’t allow that couple to marry within their state lines because gay marriage isn’t legalized there.
So… Say a gay couple married in Iowa (a state the legalized gay marriage). Then that couple moved to Rhode Island (a state that only recognizes gay marriage). The couple would still be seen as a legally married couple in Rhode Island with all of the benefits of marriage, even though Rhode Island wouldn’t have married them if the couple had wanted to be married in that state, rather than in Iowa.
However, if the couple had decided to move to Texas, their marriage would have been null-in-void within Texas’s state lines because Texas doesn’t recognize gay marriage. The couple would recieve no marital benefits.
Answer by LailaA marriage recognised Under Roman Dutch Law. Under this centuries old law, which is still in effect all over the western world today, only heterosexual marriages…between a man and a woman of legal age and with both parties consent…is classed as a legal and recognised marriage. Same sex marriages are not accepted as the law has not changed and probably will never be accepting same sex unions. They are illegal in some countries. Same sex unions are merely an acknowledgement of a couples love and commitment to each other. ‘Commitment Ceremonies’ as they are known. They are still not recognised under lawful unions worldwide apart from certain countries and states. In simpler terms a marriage can only be between and man and a woman and has to be officiated by a legal officer e.g a judge, magistrate, registrar and depending on the country an individual with legal authority to marry anyone. There also has to be proof of a marriage, this would be a marriage certificate stamped by the legal authorityand signed by the man and woman who have just gotten married and when a divorce ends there will be a Decree Absolute/Nisi. Hope this helps.
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