Evil Sami Poo: What is the best way for studing for the biggest maths test of the year?
This is the test on how to decide the maths classes for next year any good methods?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Richard F
The primary and most effective method for studying math is by doing problems, lots of problems. Do ALL the problems in the book, then do them again. Do them until they are super simple. You will fly through the test with 100%. Mastering math requires lots of work…and the bonus is…the better you master this year’s math, the easier next year’s classes will be.
And best of luck!!!
Answer by amymaree4
Well, dont study for 10 hours straight, have breaks every so often, and try not to get distracted with the computer, tv and other stuff. Let your family know that you are studying so that they can try to be quiet for you. Also, if you need help with something ask your teacher before the test and ask your parent also! Also, dont stress out thinking ‘I’m going to fail, I’m going to fail’ because that just distracts you and you wont feel like studying. Just study when you feel relaxed and if you want (and if you know it wont distract you) listen to music on your radio, Ipod, MP3 or anything else. Good luck with the test!
Answer by Noah G
Step 1: Kidnap teacher and get test answer sheet.
Step 2: Erase teacher’s memory.
Answer by coucou_bambie
Hmmm… I just finished 2 tests for Double Maths this afternoon so this is quite an easy question to answer to me 😛 Personally, I think the important thing of studying Maths depends on the load of work you give yourself everyday and then revise them over again and again. You should make sure that you both understand the methods of how to solve the typical kinds of questions as well as being able to apply it in different other questions. There are questions that you have done already but just a bit trick in wording that may bring you in trap! Another thing is don’t be too stressed out a day before the test. Just give yourself enough sleep and have faith in yourself. If you believe that you’ll pass the test successfully, you definitely will.
Finally, good luck with eveything my friend 🙂
Answer by -BeCAuSeOfYoU-
first make sure you understand how the rules work then memorize them as well as look at the examples. once you think you got the gist of everything do past paper and continue to do the practice questions. the second part is more important than the first… maths is all about practice. I like to keep two books for maths. one as a rules book where i list all the rules and one or two examples and the other book is my workbook where i do all my questions. good luck!!!
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