Dodge Man: What is the best motorcycle for long distance trips?
I’m 6 ft and weigh 190. I’m looking for a motorcycle I can ride on really long road trips. I need a motorcycle I can ride everyday and all day long without it breaking down. Me and my friend are planning on taking a trip around the country that will take months and we need the most reliable motorcycles we can find.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Andy
The king of the touring bikes is the Honda Gold Wing.I ride a Harley Electraglide which is very good too contrary to some of the opinions you’ll hear here.Yamaha and Kawasaki also offer some nice touring bikes.I have a friend with a Yamaha Royal Star and it’s a very nice bike.
Answer by James
You’re 16 years old. You have no riding experience. And you want to buy a touring bike and ride around the country.
You have NO idea what you’re getting into. First, you need to get a couple of years of experience riding on the street–let’s say 10,000 miles would be a good start, on a smaller bike (approx. 250cc). Then you will need about $ 20,000 or more to buy a suitable bike new. At your age, insurance premiums will be very, very steep. Then you will need proper riding gear that is all-weather and very comfortable for all-day wear–let’s say another $ 1,000. How much of this have you though through so far?
I don’t want to put a damper on your enthusiasm, but you have to learn to walk before you run in the Olympics.
And to answer your question, the Honda Gold Wing has been the standard of excellence in touring bikes for years on end.
Answer by Alex C
any bike that is a standard, cruiser or touring design. just depends on how much punishment you want to take. any motorcycle in good shape will take you on a long ride if properly outfitted.
you need a lot of experience to attempt this sort of thing. start off with small trips around town. half hour to an hour then build up to 6 hours or more. it is much different then driving a car for 6 hours. a lot more stress on the body.
if you have never ridden a motorcycle before get a beater bike and learn to ride and maintain it. nothing like being 3 states away from home and having a problem. also its going to be a very expensive trip, gas, motel, food.
start small, don’t get in over your head. DO YOUR RESEARCH! GET GOOD GEAR!
ride safe and keep the rubber side down.
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