¬.¬ ~Slightly Mango~: What is heresy and how are the Karaites not heretics of Judaism?
What is heresy and how would you be able to explain based on that definition that the Karaites weren’t heretics of Judaism but rather a different religion entirely?
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Answer by Svartalf
Heresy (from a Greek word meaning ‘choice’) is what you do when you believe in a version of a religion that another group of members of the same religious group believes to be incorrect. For instance, Catholic, protestants and Orthodox christians are all heretics by the other groups’ standards.
So the only way that karaites are not heretics is by their own viewpoint . Of course, by their own views, following the Law as exposed in the Torah while refusing to recognize the legal validity of the Rabbinic expansions on it is correct… but all the other Jews that practice the Rabbinic expounding on the Halakhah do deem them heretics.
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