Ryan: What is an awesome Chemistry experiment that I can do from my own home?
Ok, so I want an awesome chemistry experiment that I can do from normal things you can find in the kitchen. Were not talking about little child stuff. I want to get a highly reactive substance that will flame or do something cool while placed in water. I heard you can melt table salt and run an electrical current through it and get Na metal. How do I do that?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Francisco
You can mix baking soda and vinegar in any kind of container…..i think it is pretty cool
Answer by whitesand
I would search youtube for something like that. Be careful…it’s probably kinda dangerous.
you can make colored fire. which is kinda sweet.
make hot ice, which is also cool because you don’t expect it to be that hot
and just in time for the holidays…
Answer by biire2u
You need to copy something that is called a “Downs Cell”. You have to mix calcium chloride with sodium chloride to lower the melting temperature of the fused salt. You will get sodium metal at one pole and chlorine gas at the other. You use iron and carbon anodes and cathodes
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