Chicago: What does it mean when you, “last this long”, in sex?
I haven’t had sex yet but I am planning on having it soon. A couple of my friends have well about 95% of them have. I’m 17. They sometimes brag about how long they lasted. I have no idea if lasting longer is better or shorter. Are they talking about the amount of time when it takes you to cum? Or is it like how long you can just have sex? Please help.
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They mean the *** one, but using a condom usually makes it last longer, cause less feeling.
They mean how long you can have sex itself before cumming and going soft. Some men are able to have multiple orgasms without going soft- but it’s uncommon. And, BTW I’m sure your friends aren’t getting as much as they say they are, if at all.Answer by Erin
They mean how long you can last before you achieve orgasm. How long you last is often associated with whether or not you can please a woman.Answer by Stephen G
The best thing for you to do is just let it happen as it happens…the more you worry about your performance the worse you will be. Relax and let things happen when the time comes. If you *** too soon you will most likely be up and running in a few minutes because of your higher dopamine levels.
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