monksfriend: What do you use for your pets flea control?
I don’t want to use frontline or advantage because it is very expensive and I don’t like using the chemicals on my pets. two lap dogs and one retriever.
I have heard of garlic powder sprinkled on your pets food. But how much? And I heard pros and cons about using garlic,some good,some not good.
I have also heard of giving your pet Brewer’s Yeast tablets that it works. Where do I get these brewers yeast tablets for pets?
Has anyone used brewers yeast tablets?
Does anyone make their own spray with essential oil’s?
Thanks for your help.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Julia R
you can get some pill from your vet. They are based on weight of the pet. They kill ALL bugs within 24 hours. They work I have a cat and 3 dogs inside and they go out too. You have to treat you home as well. Flea bombs with everyone and all pets outside . You should also put a new flea collar into your vaccum bag regularly. the vaccum picks up the eggs but the next time you turn it on the vibration makes them hatch in your vaccum bag! So they are being spread over and over. Not sure what else to try. I use advantage plus. it is really safe and they have to be clean and dry when you apply it. Best of luck!
I haven’t heard much about using different kinds of treatments for fleas. Seriously I only use what really works that’s on the market.
I guess try every alley, but when it comes to your dog’s don’t skip flea treatments because you don’t like putting chemicals on your dog and because they are expensive. That’s what is included in taking care of an animal.
Do what you gotta do, but in the end think of the animal and do what’s best for them.Answer by anw122
Well we use the drops, but the cheaper ones [my vet insists on the more expensive ones, but these seem to work just as well].
Since your looking for something more natural I suggest this:
It safe to use on the pets and everything around your house.
We inherited a flea infested apartment from the last tenant who swore up and down that his dog didn’t have fleas despite all fo the biting and scratching >_> So I was the one getting bit. The cats and my fiance were fine.
We got the spray so that we could spray the bed without having to worry about harsh chemicals. We now seem to be flea free 🙂
edit: btw essential oils aren’t good for cats. a lot of them are poisonous to them.
Answer by PattimDiatomaceous earth, DE, kills fleas and other hard shelled insects. Properly used it is safe and effective. Don’t use the kind for swimming pools. It can be purchased at garden stores and some farm stores.
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