Vivianna: What career has the longest job security with the least amount of stress and most amount of pay?
I need some good career options, but I want something I can also do when I get older and probably won’t be phased out it this changing economy. I also don’t have a lot of time to spend in school and I need something that I can do right away that I can pay all my bills and provide for my family. So do you know of any career options?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Ginny Jin
Housekeeper for a wealthy family. If you live in the UK buy The Lady magazine (it is geared towards females but there are also jobs for men which are advertised by county).
Answer by Máire Siobhán
Well, good question.
If there was such a thing, we’d all be doing it!
Some jobs that take 2 years or less in training, pay fairly well, and can’t be automated or outsourced include phlebotemist, hair dresser, vet tech, x-ray tech, paralegal, dental hygienist, massage therapist, respiratory therapist.
That’s what comes to mind quickly. Your best bet would be a community college. The admissions office can set you up with an educational counseling session to help figure out what you want to do.
Answer by bearsmith90
Hooker, politician, crooked cop etc.
Answer by emmajay83
i don’t know if you have the time/money to get a 2yr nursing degree. but nurses are in high demand and get paid a LOT of money.
Answer by Glow wings
You had a great idea with your last question. Nursing is a solid career move. You can get education on-line too. You can have the best in medical insurance, good pay and great rewards! You will never be out of a job either!
Answer by Mr. Pirate
You could try selling yourself to strangers for some bucks. It does have the longest job security and depending on your looks you can squeeze a buck off it.
Seriously now, no career has that. On a rare ocasion you could squeeze 1 out of 3 but is really rare. Try to choose something that passionates you, something that you like doing. Mainly because you will be doing it for the rest of your life, so …
Answer by Celestial Lady
Hey, I’m an Independent Associate for a legal insurance company. If you’re really serious, email me @
I can show you ways to support your family, and possibly change your lifestyle. There’s a lot of money to be made. You just need the proper tools for the job. Check out this link, then email me.
Answer by ksdh31
Bill Gates job.
Answer by cathy_smith68
nursing, though it has a lot of stress.. that job will never go away.
my cousin is a sign language intrepreter… not sure how long the training is, but you can call your local communitiy college and ask…. that job won’t go away either.. she is always working
Answer by stan c
Although Real Estate could be stressful at times, I believe it’s still the best field. No, I never sold real estate but did have a few properties that I owned and made good money from it. If you want to know what stressful is, try being a bill collector for 35 years
Answer by pupcake
If you have casinos locally, you could deal cards. You could answer phones for companies or become a transcriptionist and work from home on your computer. If you lived in the Midwest, you could be the one to babysit these oil wells. Sleep in a trailer and make sure no one comes around for about $ 350.00 a night, 7 on and 7 off, isn’t bad. 🙂
Answer by MyMxboys
How is your dexterity? A court reporter makes pretty good money. You type in court and take your stuff home and transcribe it. I don’t think it takes alot of schooling.
Good luck
Answer by chandrama pyakurail
Answer by Tahuti
Teachers tend to have a little more security than average during down economies. Nurses and Doctors as well. Stay away from getting a Business degree, or an MBA, because these degrees really aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. A really successful business-person will be successful or fail not because of their sheepskin, but because of their ideas, ability to take the loans out they need (and school loans hinder this), and ability to implement these ideas.
Answer by MikeyintheOC
My sister in law is one of those X-RAY technicans, didn’t take her long to get through school, and she seems to be doing good for herself. She’s making about 40k yearly not bad I suppose
Answer by thom3223
If you have the personality for it , the highest pay for the least amount of stress is commisioned sales. No matter what kind of economy, in a capitalist society all buisness revolves around the salesperson. Automotive and insurance don’t require much training. Real Estate and Securities will require a license in addition to training.
Answer by EveretteDavid
Here are two very good options for you to choose from.Number one choose a career in corrections,ie. police,sheriff,parole officer,youth councillor,etc.In this day and age of crime,and mischief you’ll never be out of work.Secondly, choose a career in the Health care field,ie. Nursing assistant ,personal care worker (nursing homes),etc.,with our aging,overmedicated,and generally sick society you will once again always be gainfully employed.Hell better yet become a “shrink”. There are lots of people out there that need some serious counselling in this field.Hope this helps.So, you’ve pretty much given up on the idea of becoming a Viking Queen I guess?Too bad, I really thought you had a lot of potential in that field.LOL Later you little hottie!!!
Answer by Bunnie Bones
Hi vivianna!
If you are talking about a job with a long surcurity, least stress, and most pay, I will say an actress. I believe that if a person enjoys something, she won’t feel stressful. Agree? So the actress is actually enjoying herself and they earn a lot of money for a movie or drama series! You don’t see people firing actresses and actors all the time plus singers too so they have the longest job security. What do you think? Is my answer perfect? If you are talking about something that you do when you are older, and you want the longest job security more than the other two options, I suggest something that is not too difficult for your reach. Perhaps…a school teacher.You have children at home so maybe when they have married, you can take care and teach other younger children. All the children will like you! If you prefer least amount of stress,be a caretaker!
They take care of children too, and living in the laughter amd smiles of the children reduces your stress! If you want the most amount of pay, I suggest you this. A security guard. Hey! Security guards earn money too! Those outside the condominium. You know? Don’t think girls can’t be a security guards! I know a great girl sercurity guard. He name is Miss Tay and she is a polite, and friendly security guad. All people respect her. Go for it girl!
I hope you will consider this three jobs. Have a good time choosing and deciding your job of the future!
Bunnie Bones
Answer by luvhrtz
Receptionist. Alot of places need someone who will stay long term doing reception duties. Most younger generations only want a receptionist position as a stepping stone into a company while companies want someone who is content just answering phones. I think by what I remember of your “physical” history this would suit you terrifically. Go to a local placement agency and they should be able to help out.
Answer by CJA
Mortuary Science. EVERYBODY will eventually be a client, there will NEVER be a shortage of corpse, clients don’t talk back so NO STRESS and the average funeral package costs about $ 20,000 for less than 24 hours work.
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