class-of-2010: what can i do to earn enough money for some gifts before Christmas?
I want to get my mom, my cousins, and siblings something for Christmas but right now I don’t have n-e money. Can you list some things that I can do to get at least 50 dollars before Christmas?
I live in Alabama and it doesnt snow down here.
Answers and Views:
Answer by marhaba_hi
wash cars.
Paper route.Answer by dba_gregg
SELL STUFF ON EBAY! They have high traffic of buyers during the christmas season. Toys are espeically pricy, good for sellers.Answer by ThE JaSoN
You really should have tried something earlier.
Finding jobs around Christmas is a very hard thing to do.
BUT, if it snows in your area, I would suggest going out and shoveling everyone’s snow that offers to pay you $ $ $ .
Answer by Ryan’s momIf you live in an area that gets a lot of snow put up flyers to shovel walks and driveways. $ 5-10 each…depending on how long the driveway is.Answer by skcs69
Little late to be asking now.Answer by Marvin R
try asking to be a ” Santa’s Helper. there still may be places that can use some extra people.Answer by shpicey
Babysit. There are lots of Christmas parties going on, and parents have a hard time finding sitters. Advertise locally, and get your parents to tell their friends.Answer by Bruce T
Look in the want ads for job openings. If you have any relatives or friends who own businesses, ask them if they are looking for extra help.Answer by Kristin
Try a research place. Where you can do a taste test, or things like that. I’m doing a taste test next week and get $ 30 for an hour of “work”. You can only do 1 or 2 every 3-6 months, but for now doing one is easy money.
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