Jon J: What book on politics have read and instantly felt like you learned something?
Contemporary, not classic.
There are really so many authors I could put here, but really all three Fareed Zakaria books are just amazing, “The Future of Freedom” sounds like a boring book, but it is the best piece on democracy and history of that I have read.
And Barry Goldwater “Conscience of a Conservative” really taught me what a Conservative thought and really felt about how society should be run.
Answers and Views:
Answer by ElDuderino
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72 by Hunter S Thompson. I really gave me insight into the way Presidential politics worked before Primaries pretty much picked candidates rendering party conventions useless. The back room deals, and counting and begging for switching delegates. Very sordid(and down right confusing at times) affairs.
Right now I’m really enjoying “Transitions” by Thom Hartmann. All his books are great.
Answer by vtsztpuThe Manchurian President by Aaron Klein.Answer by YB Logical
James Carville’s ’40 More Years’.
I still refer to it when I need a good laugh.
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