tabushi11209: What are the limitations of a mini laptop or netbook?
I can’t decide if i should buy a cheap mini laptop/net book or a regular laptop. I usually just surf the web, but need to store music and photos in it. Is there a big difference between regular laptop and mini laptop?
Answers and Views:
Answer by vulcan
1 no CD/DVD drive
Answer by Jordan
a netbook normally has a lot less rom (so it is slower) and has less memory
netbooks are useful if you only surf the web and use microsoft word but they are a lot cheaper
Answer by elrics_fate
Alright since the majority of people here so far seemed like they have very little knowledge other than what they have heard around let me fill you in. The major weakness’s of a netbook are:
1. Screen Size. Most will be in the 10 inch range.
2. Keyboard Size. Some have full size keyboards but most do not. This isn’t good if you have big hands.
3. Processor Speed. Most come with an Intel Atom processor which is rather slow in some cases but for your case should be just fine.
4. Less Ram. Most come with 1 GB of RAM I would get one with 2 GB if I were you as it will help with multitasking.
5.No CD or DVD. Most models don’t have one but really lets be honest how much do most people really use one anymore? If you really need one simply buy an external one.
Those are the main disadvantages most of which in your case would not hinder you very much. Most of the problems have some sort of remedy anyway. IM or email me if you need more help on you decision.
Answer by mosmef06
If you are interested in simply surfing the web, storing music and photos, then you should buy a netbook. You sound like the perfect candidate for someone who is looking for this type of computer. The netbook market has been built around the fact that many people wanted something that was smaller and easier to carry around, yet performed many of their normal day to day functions.
If you are interested in a simple, light weight, long battery life computer that’s very mobile, inexpensive and can be used for basic tasks, then the netbook is the choice for you. The current limitations of netbooks are mainly related to memory, (some use solid state memory vs. larger hard drives), operating system (until recently, most netbooks ran XP or a flavor of linux), and form factor issues such as screen size and keyboard size. If you can hold off on your purchase of a netbook, there’s a new breed that’s going to be hitting the shelves soon that comes with an amped up version of the Intel Atom processor and full HD playback capability on a slightly larger screen and slightly larger keyboard than the average netbook.
Since the arrival of netbooks we’ve seen the screens, keyboards and technology evolve quite rapidly. From tiny 7″ LCD displays, low resolutions, miniscule keyboards, pathetic battery life, garbage CPUs and horrible OS’s like Windows CE, to amazing little machines running incredibly fast hardware for the power consumption at an extremely low price point.
Answer by Windows_Canada_Team
I’d recommend using WIndows PC Scout to help with your decision as it is really depends on what you plan to use the laptop or netbook for. Go to and click the orange ‘Let’s get started’ button.
Windows Canada Outreach
Answer by Nikko
Two types of netbook: –
1. Netbook running Window XP or Linux:-
7 inch, 8.9 inch, 10 inch, 12 inch, 13.3 inch Screen, without CD/DVD Driver. About 1.2 – 2 kg, Intel N270 or N280 CPU, 1G
ram, 160GB harddisk, WIFI, Webcam, USBx2(or x3), SD Card slot.
CAN DO: go on net, email, MP3 music, most movie, yahoo, facebook, MS office, MSN etc. Most things you do on your PC, Netbook
can do.
CAN NOT do: HD movies, High level 3D game, huge applications(like 3D desgin application etc).
Heating: Less power, a little heat on board, different model and different factory come with different quality. 🙂
Battery life: 1 – 2 hours, real time, up to how you use it.
CPU N270 is a light power CPU, not so powerful, can only handle basic job like go on net etc. Integrade grahpic card can NOT
handle hard 3D job, but can play CS etc old game. 🙂 1GB ram, 160GB harddisk can meet most of your requirment.
This is good choise for school and office and home. It could handle most of your jobs. And, it’s cheap for your first laptop.
$ 299 only!!!!
2. Netbook running WinCE:-
7 inch Screen. 0.7kg. Without CD Driver nor DVD Driver. 200M or 400M CPU, 2GB Harddisk, 128m ram, WIFI support, SD Card slot,
USBx1 (or x2).
CAN DO: webpage, email, yahoo, facebook, msn, music, movie, photo, office app, pdf reader etc
CAN NOT DO: WinCE application only, less software. In a word, it’s a real “netbook”, really desgin for net only. maybe you
could use it as a reader.
Heating: Less power, less heating. 🙂
Battery life: 1 – 2 hours, real time, up to how you use it.
Good choise for kids or take it as a reader or a MID . 7 inch design, 0.7kg, you could take it to everywhere, WIFI support,
you could chat, check email, write your blog everywhere, simple game, music, moive only. But, isnt that all we need in most
of our time?
However, this model is 7 inch with small keyboard, consider if you figners fit it or not before buying it.
$ 149 only
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