andrealg: Laptop battery tips! Is it good or bad to run the laptop without the battery?
I do this constantly: When I am watching videos or doing something that can drain my laptop’s battery really fast, i take out the batery and leave the laptop connected. Is this good or bad?
Answers and Views:
Answer by brother_lu
it’s the best! assuming you’re not working on anything (that needs to be constantly saved), it’s the best for the battery.
Answer by bleedingbutalive
I do that all the time so I think it’s ok 🙂
Answer by nikkai
It is up to you BUT
If the power goes off then your laptop will also go off and there is where your problems can come many fold
First of all you are running your OS which will not like being shut down is such a way
Then the DVD program will also not like being shutdown is such a way.
So if you accidentally knock out the power cord or the mains goes off there could be data errors left on your hard drive because the read arm is not stopped in the ‘park position’ also the chip set may be hot due to driving the video and sound devises and then suddenly not having a cooling fan the residual heat could end up damaging those chip sets
I NEVER run without my battery installed I do conditionally use my battery though
As I said it is up to you
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