Fantasy Football Addict: What are the best christmas lights to use that wont burn out quickly?
I am looking to buy some new christmas lights for outdoor use. Maybe some isicle lights or something. I just want to know what to look for when purchasing the lights. I have had way too many experiences with the lights burning out or not working after one season. What are the best lights to get and where can I find them? Does anyone have any that they had good experiences with first hand? Thanks in advance . Merry Christmas!
Answers and Views:
Answer by mahree
Just bought some LED lights from COSTCO, supposed to last longer than conventional lights and the bulbs don’t get hot.
Answer by soobee
LED: they use less electricity than traditional bulbs, and they last longer
Answer by plewis2001
If you want long life go for LED lights. The globes themselves will last for about 20yrs. Where they will fail is in the cable and the connections, so go for some with a thicker cable, strong joins and preferably with the cable loomed (bundled) together the give the whole thing some strength.
If you are going to use them outside make sure they are the 12v or 24v version for safety.
As with all bud style lighting handle with care when installing, dismantaling and storing and it will last you many seasons. Remember one small snag is enough to ruin the whole chain.
As to where to find them most stores stock them these days you can even get them at discount stores, China is flooding the market with cheap LED at the moment. Hope this helps.
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