Cancerette: Why do parents do this to their children during the Christmas season?
They tell their children Santa Claus is real and that he will come to their houses on Christmas Eve. Why? Why would parents lie to their children like that? Also about the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy? This just twists my mind. I thought parents weren’t supposed to lie to their children, and parents teach their kids not to lie. So, why do they lie like that?
Answers and Views:
Answer by batman
i dont know never grew up with santa my parents told me jesus wanted to share presents on his birthday but i think parents do that so kids have fun
because the parents are stupid idiots and they think its cute lying to their children
I am sooooo against itAnswer by King Yahoo
They try to make you feel safe, because children are scared of everything. If you told children there’s nuclear bombs that could incinerate their city and burn them to death, the children would grow up to be insane. You have to lie to children, because they don’t understand logic and normal arguments. Like, go to sleep now or you’ll be tired tomorrow morning. A kid is like, no, what? I don’t get it? Why? I went to sleep early yesterday and I was still tired in the morning. What? And so you have to be like, go to sleep now or the demon of darkness will crawl out of your butt and wrap his tongue around your neck and strangle until your eyes pop out and then he will eat your eye balls.Answer by Sha Mic
idkAnswer by Wagglet3
It gives memories. Even as you grow up and discover the truth, kids will always have the memories and magic of Santa in their hearts. Also, when you’re older it shows you just how much your parents would do for you- just to keep the magic going as long as possible. Lastly, Santa was real, he was Saint Nicolas and even though he is not alive and visible right now his magic lives on in the lives of generations of children.Answer by Wolf
I’m not sure… I guess just because it seems so magical… You know, flying reindeer, magical man, awesome beard (not as cool as Dumbledore’s though), etc… It’s just fun for kids… Like stories… Well, it’s fun until they find out they were being lied to…
I don’t know.
Maybe tradition. Their parents did it to them and they always had fun on Christmas so they did the same to their children…
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