Heather H: What are some bad impacts that texting, social networking and the internet has had on you family relationships?
I’m doing a project for my english class and I am in need of some personal stories on how the social networking, Texting and the internet has impacted your family relationships.
So If you have had an experience or story post it or post a friends story too.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Keli
I don’t have a particular story but from my experience it seems over the past two decades people have less and less social skills. We have learned to rely so much on electronic devices in communicating that many have little or no person to person social skills. The word ETIQUETTE comes to mind.
Facebook nearly ruined my marriage, I got back in touch with an ex bf and I kept speaking to him on fb then we exchanged phone numbers and started texting each. My husband found out and we had huge rows and we are only just getting back on track. We now share 1 facebook between us as the trust is all bet gone, also I don’t have a mobile a phone now. I am gradually trying to earn the trust of my husband back.Answer by VinceCH
Myspace outed me to my dad. Because my little cousin was like “cousin vince likes boy!”
lol -.- but then again i don’t even talk to me dad.
And my mom suspected me to be gay when i was like in 6th grade because i forgot to erase my browsing history. because i had gay porn in the history.
eh what else. I wrote a suicide note online and someone called the cops, and i went to a mental hospital.
what else. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
My mom always complains how the internet made me lazy.
Eh. I met a lot of the people i dated online via downelink.
but yea. i really depend on the internet.
from video games. to watching tv/movies, from social networking, blogging etc etc.
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