emma: What are good teammate gifts to give at a banquet?
I’m a captain of our high school’s varsity tennis team. We’re trying to think of good gifts to get all our teammates (15 total) for this years banquet. For example, last year we each got a framed picture of the team. Is there anything that would incorporate our sport and other fun stuff while still keeping costs low?
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Answer by hi! iq
a set of tennis balls with each player’s name on them?
or, if you wear a uniform, an item of it printed with each person’s name
maybe a tie or sweatband/wristband?
try a cake or chocolate shop to see if they can custom make tennis cakes or novelty chocolate items – again with the person’s name on it or the team details
at a baby shop you can buy special modelling clay that records their handprint or footprint…how about one of these for each team member with the team details written on their handprint?
hope this helps 🙂 good luck with it and i hope you all have fun at the banquet
Answer by farrierswife38
First thing you should do is take a team pic and take it to walmart bakery and get them to make a large sheet cake and put the teams picture on it. Maybe you could get each one of them a small trophy made.
Answer by chica12
You could get t-shirts made with any team achievements, good team memories or team inside jokes and all the players names on it.
You could ask parents for any pics they have of individuals or team members and make a disk for everyone.
Also if you decorate their lockers that would be fun.
along the lines of the t-shirts, you could have a table set up at the banquet with a white or gray or team colored shirt for each player. Also have sharpies and ask each person to sign or write a little note on everyone elses shirt. that would be a fun keepsake.
Hope it goes well.
Answer by LilRicanJD
im only answering because i really need some points im so sorry
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