Cobaya: Will a time travel theme hurt the chances of a novel being published?
I want to write a young adult science fiction novel, and I have an idea about time travel. It’s somewhat different than how time travel is usually depicted in fiction. In fact, it’s almost satiric of the idea. But I’m wondering if time travel is too cliche now to market? Will an editor take one look at the story, say, “not another one about time travel …” and toss it in the rejected bin? Should I just come up with another idea, or is a time travel-themed book still marketable?
Answers and Views:
Answer by leokc34
go for it… i am sure a new concept of time travel would be great.
Time travel will always be a staple of sci-fi. It has been done a lot but I don’t think they would toss out your manuscript for that reason alone. Perhaps you should suck them in with the first chapter or two and then introduce the time travel element. By that time, they’ll be too interested to stop reading.
Good luck!! ; )
Answer by slimsteven510Every idea is marketable. As long as you can make a really exciting and great story. If you’ve read Stephen King novels you’ll realize that all his works are on random ideas. The Mist is about monsters comming out of a big mist, the Dead Zone is about a man who can look into someone’s past and future by simply touching the person of one of their belongings, i can go on forever. There are so many zombie stories and they sell, because they make them exciting and great to read. Keep your subject of choice and make the story great and it’ll sell. Any subject can sell.Answer by theforce427
If you think you’ve got a good idea, go with it.
Personally, I love the concept of time travel whether it’s science fiction or theoretical research. People are fascinated by time travel because it unlocks limitless possibilities. Any editor who would recognize this as a “cliche sci-fi drama” is the Moron of the Century.
As for failure, if you don’t have confidence in what you have written you should edit it yourself. You are the only one who knows how your novel is supposed to feel, so make it how you want it. If it’s good, it will be published. If it’s not, try again. And remember, Dune (one of the biggest sci-fi cult book’s of all-time) was rejected by 13 editors. 13!!!
Keep a writing notepad, note your thoughts, write whenever you can, and don’t give up.
Answer by MeowstroIt depends on two things.
The first is how original it is. If your idea of time-travel is pretty much the same idea that everyone else has, and is the central element of your novel, that could be a problem.
Secondly, it depends on how you write it. Many authors write about things that are cliche but unrealistic that, in the hands of anyone else, would come off as ridiculous. But the way they write it is astounding.
Furthermore, when you write a novel, there’s something called “suspending disbelief.” Obviously the concept of time travel is something that doesn’t exist in our world, and so you would have to manage to write the book in a way that allowed readers to suspend their disbelief. If at everyone page there was something new that didn’t exist in our world, you’d have problems. For example, if on one page you said there was time travel, on another you said there was magic, on a third you said people never died, eventually (unless you’re an incredible author) the reader wouldn’t be able to suspend their disbelief and would think that the entire novel is just not believable.
Read books like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and other Fantasy/Sci-fi classics to get a feel of how the author writes. Pay attention to parts where they cause you to suspend your disbelief and where they make you feel that this imaginary world/person/concept/item exists, even though it doesn’t. Try to achieve the same effect.
Anything can be put in a book. It’s just up to the writer to make it work. Best of luck to you.
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