Some Chick: The house I rent is being foreclosed on and will be auctioned soon. How long before they can make me move?
Basically the house I rent is being foreclosed on and will be sold at auction on August 11. Is there an amount of time that the new owners are legally required to allow me to move out after the house has been purchased? I literally just found out and am in no way prepared. I live in California.
Oh, my lease is month-to-month, by the way.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Krispy
Couple weeks, or when ever they want.
30 days with proper notice if you have no lease other than month to month.
Pack well.Answer by Ahab
i dont think they can evict you til 3 months are upAnswer by Nick B
yes what will happen is once august 11 comes and its sold (by the date its actually sold) they will tell you that you have so many days to move out like a month or so.Answer by Robert
However long until the term of your lease is upAnswer by CountryGirl
Surely they will understand your dilemma! BUT…in florida they have to give u 30 days to vacate the premises. Im not sure of the rules there. Try going to the courthouse and asking them this question…or maybe a free consultation with a local lawyer will help.
Good luck 🙂Answer by kemperk
whether lost or sold, a lease goes with a house. IF you have
a 6 mo -1 yr lease, you are set for that remaining part of your lease.
if you are on month to month, you have [if you want to go
amicably] till Sept 11 at the earliest.
I’m guessing u got to be out in 30 days.Answer by blindpig49
probably quite awhile. I am sure it is the Bank that foreclosed. They now have Title. I am sure there is a Landlord and Tenant Staute in CA. You are probably entitled to Notice and to Court proceedings before you could be literally put out.
I would certainly take the strategy of PROMPTLY submitted your rent to the new Owner. I would make it my interest to find out what financial institution that is.
I would accompany the payment with a self serving letter of some sort, saying “enclosed is my monthly rental” or something as simple as that. With money coming in, the guy at the bank handling the account may put your folder aside in favor of pursuing another case which is costing the Bank tons more money.
Good luck
Answer by ImaHarperCalifornia law requires 14 days notice before the sale, which you will have. Foreclosure usually means that all utilities are shut off or transferred to the lender, locks are changed & the place is emptied. You need to make sure that those foreclosing know that you are a renter and are living there.
Because many renters have been in your situation lately, laws have been enacted to give some measure of protection.
Renters in CA have certain rights:
Check this web site for a summary
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