patch P: Does taking a summer Chemistry course as a medschool pre-requisite hurt my chances of getting into med school?
I am a freshman in a four year university, and I was planning on taking a summer Chemistry course. However, I have heard that med schools do not like to see students taking summer courses (especially science classes). Is this true, and how much would it affect my chances of being accepted into a medical school?
Answers and Views:
Answer by KungFoolio
Med schools won’t care.
Answer by sunbeam98
I have heard that Med School prefer that you take science courses during a regular semester but I have also heard the exact opposite. I would err on the side of safety and just take it in the fall.
Answer by comp22454
In my opinion, It simply doesn’t matter. There are thousands of applicants and they will screen out by GPA and MCAT anyway. As long as your science GPA, cummulative GPA and MCATs are high, who cares if you took it in the summer. Your GPA and MCATs will prove that it didn’t do harm. If taking that summer class gives an advantage to your scheduling, and/or graduating in time/faster, it is certainly more advisable than listen to some non-assured statement that science class at summer isn’t advisable. Just make sure to get an A, as it will be twice as faster.
However, in terms of actually understanding and allowing your brain to absorb the information is a whole different topic.
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