Applebomb: soccer???????
i really like socccer but when it comes to a game i suck
what should i do?
real answer pleez!
Answers and Views:
Answer by sb
Soccer’s great-
you’ve just got to stick to the basics, work out+ practice more-
it’s more fun if you practice with a friend or some music.
and eat healthy (:
soccer’s great, good luck!
Answer by kmsmifla2007
besides running to get you in shape and increase your speed the best thing to do is simply kick a ball off a wall, alternate feet – this is a simple little drill that will help improve your touch and feel for the ball – this will help improve your dribbling, your passing, and your shot
Answer by aidin_asbaghi
it’s not SUCKER , soccer its game paly between two team , each teame have 11 palers and they should to put the ball with lege into the goal.
but this gam you like it its another game 😉 ( sucker) , more pale between to lover……. +18
Answer by crash override
keep practicing and believe in yourself
Answer by GoodOne!
Good question! Soccer is a fun, synchronized, “team” sport and it require awareness, speed, ball skills and lots of endurance. Players are trained in groups for a “fast” team formation. Many a coach don’t waste much time with players that don’t improve with the team.
Do your best at every practice. Good luck.
Answer by Meadow365
Soccer is an amazing sport so don’t give up!Practice makes perfect!!Be sure to learn great ball control it will help!Trust me!!
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