AngelicaSupaFreaka: Should I provide kitten formula for vitamins and nutrients for a cat who already eats dry food?
We just rescued a very small kitten. I am not sure how old she is, but our appt isn’t until next Tuesday. She is able to eat dry food mixed with a little water to make it easier to chew. Should I still provide her kitten formula for vitamins and nutrients?
Thank you for the quick responses and advice. I do provide her an additional bowl for water also. I am heading to Petsmart right now to get other supplies that were suggested. Thanks again!
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Answer by Kristen
As a fosterer for kittens, I would say absolutely yes. It will help her grow and be strong! Hope this helps
we would give our foster kittens KMR formula in the dry food instead of water. Becareful, too much KMR can cause diarrhea. I think it would be ok to do until next week when you can get the vets opinion on her age and status.Answer by cat lover
It probably means she is weaned, and kitten chow (dry) would be all right, and adding water will make it a bit softer, and also give her more water.
You could add some KMR milk (kitten replacement milk) that you get in a pet store with the water, but she will probably be all right with what you are doing.
Remember, once you add water to the dry chow, you cannot leave it out for more than a hour or so, or it will spoil. And if the dry food is not kitten chow, don’t panic. She will do all right anyway.
Answer by PRINTSIf you think the kitten is under 8 weeks of age, you can get little bottles at the store and bottlefeed it with the kitten formula. This will make it a better pet, if it is still that young, and make it more bonded with you. Just make a slightly larger hole in the nipple to make the formula flow faster. Even when they can eat food out of a bowl, if they are young, bottlefeeding makes them more reassured. It is also fun, but good for the kitten.
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