Elizabeth: how do you scare away spammers and abusive posters?
I got an abusive spammer and poster coming at me and my videos on youtube and I want to scare them away because youtube hasn’t reported him to his ISP. I did report him to youtube but nothing. He keeps going. Any ideas?
but I want to let people comment, just not the spammers or abusers. Telling them to get lost doesn’t work.
Answers and Views:
Answer by EZ4U2BU
Disable your “comments”. If you do this, nobody will be able to leave a comment and you don’t have to worry about “scaring” people away.
Answer by MUSCLES
How do you report people on youtbe anyways?
Back to the question. What you need to do is tell that lady who is bothering you to move along, and that one time viewing is all that is needed.
EDIT: Its incredibly difficult to stop spammers at youtube. If you look at featured channels you will see they are riddled with spam. So, all you gonna have to do is not allow comments in your channel. After a while the spammer will be gone, and you can return your commentary box again. Win, Win situation.
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