lolwu: rugby……………………………………?
im starting rugby soon and i was wondering….
is the game hard to learn?
what is the most injured position and waht is the most common injury ?
what should i wear to my first practice?
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Answer by Frank Raff
haha nah that games not hard, any postion is an easy injury there is no common injury and bring some cleats if you dont have rugby cleats you can wear soccer cleats. fun sport good luck bud
not hard to learn if you pay attention
you can get injured anywhere, again, pay attention!
cleats, shorts and a tshirt are fine
Answer by mndpsp1The game is actually really easy to learn.
I got a new guy on my team this year and with in two practice sessions he was in a game and did fantastic.
There are a lot of common injuries but the most common ones are:
Forwards tend to injure their necks and legs
Backs tend more on their leg muscles
Of course any injury can occur.
To your first practice depending on where it is you should wear what is most appropriate
Studs/cleats, short (spandex can be useful as your shorts may come up a lot), and a shirt should do (however it may get ripped so buying a proper shirt would decrease the chance of it being ripped)
Any other surface than grass:
Trainers or short studs and then the same as for grass (shorts and shirt).
Also for both training sessions you should bring a gum shield.
Enjoy the great game of rugby!
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