Mike87009: Religion???????????
why is some people say that Atheist is a Religion
Answers and Views:
Answer by lilith
who says that?
They are using the wrong terminology, that’s all.
They don’t really think that, man.Answer by ana_is_a_cat
Because they do not know any better.Answer by oldfootlose
who?Answer by Josieb
If it is then what wrong with it as there are all kinds of religiion.Answer by Latino Lifestyl
It is Not a Religion,
I just don’t Get what they are doing in “RELiGiON & SPiRiTUALiTY”Answer by ♥ Lisa
They don’t know that it isn’t a religion.Answer by mark
They are godlessAnswer by Leo
they want so badly to put a spiritual label on everyoneAnswer by choozlifexo
Because everyone believes in something, even if it’s not God. Maybe it’s evolution.Answer by Ronin
Because they want to call any belief a religion. It’s a simplistic attempt to discredit atheism that really has no bearing on anything.Answer by kclightman
Some people will claim any viewpoint is a religion, but I think they’re stretching the definition.Answer by Deirdre H
Because they confuse religion with philosophyAnswer by iblis_6969
Because they are stupid and want to think that everyone must derive their personal identity from a man made group like they do! It is inconceivable to the religious how anyone can live free from the confines of a religious system!Answer by gorgeoustxwoman
They are idiots.Answer by royce r
Religion is the believe of a spiritual concept, which if you think about it non-believe qualifies.Answer by whynotaskdon
Because they are RELIGIOUS about their UNbelief….VERY FERVENT in their stance!Answer by kiki
I believe that athiest is not a religion, doesnt it mean that you believe in something or have faith well i am a ChristianAnswer by fershurr123
athieism is a religion.
religion is how you believe the universe came about.
so if your an athiest you probably believe more in evolution. but it is a religion.Answer by Исаак Озимов
Probably because some so-called atheists behave dogmatically.
They assume that Atheism is the ultimate truth.
Religious people teach you to believe everything they feed you at face value. True atheists can admit to being wrong sometimes, and then seek the true facts. For instance: Scientists, by the 70’s had come up with an explanation of why Jupiter does not have rings, as Saturn does. Most accepted this hypothesis. When the Voyager probes photographed Jupiter close up, they found that Jupiter INDEED has rings of debris, so the previous thesis came tumbling down at the presence of factual evidence. And the scientific community accepted this without question.
Now, THAT is something any religion COULD NEVER accept.
Answer by happygirlBecause it is a system of belief used to govern one’s life and because it often involves the passion and devotion that makes up worship.Answer by Naughty Pants
It’s a belief system. They believe in evolution and everytime you ask for transitional evidence, they tell you it’s missing link. You need faith to believe that. They believe a simple cell evolve which is more complicated than a Ferrari happened by chance. You need faith to believe that. They are here in religion & spirituality all the time teaching their belief. You need faith to do that.Answer by tian_mon
Atheism has become a cause.
They have began converting people (primarily Christians)
They have begun teaching a belief structure.
They have started attacking other beliefs as if the beliefs are false.
They inject Ideals and pressure people into questioning long held beliefs.
They call Christianity or any religion “fairy tails”
This happened in Rome It was called Catholicism
It happened in Arabia it was called Islam.
Medieval Europe Christianity
Early US history. Puritanism
Now the cycle begins again and it is called Atheism
If you can not see the commonality between what you are doing and what Religions have done. I would say that your not as intelligent as you wish to portray.
En Tis BlethecAnswer by Richard D
One definition of Religion is a specific system of belief, worship etc. often involving a code of ethics. And that belief in the long run, comes to a dead end as atheist belief (not believing in God). So, yes atheist can be considered a religion or a false one.
To a mature Christian our God is very real, or omnipotent, all the other religions or beliefs worship some kind of man or system made up by man. Believing in God, made up by God, is a genuine way to worship our creator and His son Jesus.
No other religion can boast of a Resurrection. The resurrection is Gods way of identifying the truth that He is God and not fake.
In other religions, all their Gods are either fake, made up or dead.
Jesus is alive along with His Father, Our Father too.
Because they dont know what they are talking about.
God knows best.
Peace and Love.
Answer by BrittanieAn athiest is someone who believes that god does not exist! They probably mean that they believe in atheism itself so much….Just like one’s belief in relegion!Answer by Christine5
Atheism is a religion because it relies on “faith”. Some people believe that you don’t need to exercise faith to believe in no God. But if you believe in no God, then you must exercise faith in your theories about how life was created, or its origination, or the big bang or whatever your diverse beliefs are. Unless something is science (4 plus 4 equals 8), it is a theory, or an opinion no matter how scientific it sounds it is a belief: religion. As a Christian I admit that I believe what I do on faith rather than knowledge. Atheists want to use science as their “proof” however, their are alot of scientificsounding theories that are not absolutely proven at this time.Answer by Joey N
You must first define your terms. I think that there have been definitions of religion where Atheism would fit in. The problem with defining religion is that your definition has to be inclusive enough to fit in a great many ideologies, and yet restrictive enough to leave out others. In a loose or over-inclusive definition of religion I think that we could include atheism, and humanism, etc. Thought in a restrictive sense we would have to throw out Taoism and Transcendentalists. I think people say that atheism is a religion because it is a belief system, and in an unstructured definition of religion it could fit.Answer by shreck
The debate between religion and atheism will be here until Jesus returns. Atheism is an anti-God religion. Atheists hold meetings and gatherings (church) in hope to convince the rest of the world that they are correct. They print text (bible) to try and disprove the existance of God. They have individuals (pastors) who stand up with their books (bible) and talk (preach) about how science (their God) can prove to you (congregation) that the existance of God is false. All I can say is study the Bible and test God. Ask him to reveal himself.God will answer you when the time is right.
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