Juan P: How long after intercourse could you start feeling you are pregnet? How long after intercourse could you start feeling you are pregnet? Assuming you are...... Answers and Views: Answer by Happy Britches # 2You could start urinating frequently or having nausea as soon as 2 wks. after conception. Answer by Widget_64i feel like that, … [Read more...] about How long after intercourse could you start feeling you are pregnet?
How can you get a better orgasm when masturbating?
haha.: How do I get a better orgasm when masturbating? I always have 1 orgasm whenever I masturbate but it's usually not very strong. I try to go slowly but it's always the same. What can I do? Answers and Views: Answer by VictoriaJust experiment on areas that are sensitive. Stimulating your nipples or clitoris during fingering may help or … [Read more...] about How can you get a better orgasm when masturbating?
How can I get and orgasm and what is it supposed to feel like?
Della: How can I get and orgasm and what is it supposed to feel like? Well I've been with my boyfriend for a while and there's been times when i thought i had an orgasm but i don't really know what it is...or how it is supposed to feel? And if i haven't had one whats one way i can experience one? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about How can I get and orgasm and what is it supposed to feel like?
Beyond the woman ! Waht other females between the mammals, accept the coitus during the pregnancy ?
shalborestaurador: Beyond the woman ! Waht other females between the mammals, accept the coitus during the pregnancy ? Answers and Views: Answer by CYLONDolphins, for sure! Answer by elliebearHuh?Answer by la mas deseadathis looks like a sexist questionAnswer by LizI think that creatures that have sex for reasons other then sole … [Read more...] about Beyond the woman ! Waht other females between the mammals, accept the coitus during the pregnancy ?
ifmost female orgasms come from clitoral stimulation is it safe to say that most women don’t orgasm during sex?
♥BeezyPie♥: ifmost female orgasms come from clitoral stimulation is it safe to say that most women don't orgasm during sex? I have always felt that most women probably fake orgasms when they are having intercourse. I mean the actual act of the penis inside of a vagina really doesn't feel like anything. I know that there is the rare G-spot which is … [Read more...] about ifmost female orgasms come from clitoral stimulation is it safe to say that most women don’t orgasm during sex?
How can you tell the difference between the fungus and its sexual structures?
lirael1019: How can you tell the difference between the sexual structures of the fungus and the fungus itself? For example, my text has a picture of some moldy bread, and claims the sexual structures of the fungi are called zygosporangia, and the fungus is called zygomycetes. Are the reproductive structures what you can see? And the actual fungus … [Read more...] about How can you tell the difference between the fungus and its sexual structures?
How does the body burn calories during an orgasm?
Alex Asano: How does the body burn calories during an orgasm? I've heard that up to 200 calories can be burned simply by having an orgasm. How exactly does the body expend these calories in this one act? Answers and Views: Answer by aninymouseThat's just a myth! Don't believe everything you hear! Answer by QuestionMark20In not sure but, … [Read more...] about How does the body burn calories during an orgasm?