SMBIZISGOOD: How do you buy one missing piece to a jigsaw puzzle? I've had a jigsaw puzzle which I never opened until now, 3 years later and I just completed it, accept for the one piece which is missing. Can you buy one piece anywhere? Answers and Views: Answer by DonnaMariaur looking for a needle in a haystack Answer by MattNo, you'd … [Read more...] about How do you buy one missing piece to a jigsaw puzzle?
How can taxes you pay on real estate benefit your income tax return?
ocman21: How can taxes you pay on real estate benefit your income tax return? I'm doing a project for my business class, and I need lots of informations on this question. Also I have another question: What type of taxes do you have to pay on real estate? Answers and Views: Answer by PooPooLaTrashThe standard deduction is upped by $ 1000 for … [Read more...] about How can taxes you pay on real estate benefit your income tax return?
How do I go about applying for a small business loan?
MLRatyahoo: How do I go about applying for a small business loan? -I'm 22 yrs old. ***Am I too young to be approved for a business loan? -I am about $ 4000 in debt (from medical bills only) but I have small monthly payment plans that I'm keeping up with. ***If you can prove that you are paying your debts off and that they are only medical … [Read more...] about How do I go about applying for a small business loan?
Are there tax benefits if I get a business lisense for selling things on online auctions?
Jack: Are there tax benefits if I get a business lisense for selling things on online auctions? I'm thinking about turning my online selling into a business, and I'm trying to get a feel for the tax-related pros and cons of making it official. Here are 2 questions: (1) I understand that I can write off business expenses on my tax returns. That … [Read more...] about Are there tax benefits if I get a business lisense for selling things on online auctions?
Need help determining if I qualify for homebuyer’s credit?
Derek C: Need help determining if I qualify for homebuyer's credit? I am not a first time home buyer but second home buyer. I purchased a home in '02 lived in it until June of '09. I purchased a new home in June '09 and still own my other house and renting it out. From what I am reading it sounds like I qualify but need some validation that I am … [Read more...] about Need help determining if I qualify for homebuyer’s credit?
How do I track down stocks that I bought through a now non-operational investment banker?
JimBo: How do I track down stocks that I bought through a now non-operational investment banker? I purchased 200 stocks in a company back in 1997 through H.J. Meyers & Co. Inc. From looking online they appear to have closed their doors amongst some scandal some time ago. The company I bought stock in is still operating (PMTI). How do I claim my … [Read more...] about How do I track down stocks that I bought through a now non-operational investment banker?
How does auto insurance work when you “loan” your car to another?
Irv S: How does auto insurance work when you "loan" your car to another? I have been thinking of "loaning" my car (which I own) to my 87 year old father. I would then lease a vehicle for myself. Then at the end of the lease period (let's say 3 years) if he is no longer driving, the car returns to me. Can he purchase auto insurance on himself … [Read more...] about How does auto insurance work when you “loan” your car to another?