Smalls: Credit Card "insurance"? Is the insurance offered by the card company's worth it? The one that's .79 cents a month for every $ 100 you have charged? But they say in the event of disability, unemployment....etc you can stop payments for up to 12 months. It sounds good but do they follow through? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about Credit Card “insurance”?
How does buying a Macbook in payments work?
///: How does buying a Macbook in payments work? I'm thinking about buying a macbook and, although I can afford to pay for it upfront, it would take me six weeks to do so, and I sort of want it sooner than that. Now, I was wondering if I bought it in payments would there be an upfront fee I'd need to pay? Or would I only pay for the warranty … [Read more...] about How does buying a Macbook in payments work?
What was the last selling price of my house?
: What was the last selling price of my house? I want to find the latest selling price of a house that I'm buying. I know there is a website, but I can't find it. Anyone know? It's a website that tells you what date and the final selling price of a house. Answers and Views: Answer by Spock (rhp)tax assessor's office and/or their links to … [Read more...] about What was the last selling price of my house?
Will i be forever marked as a scammer in maplestory?
: Will i be forever marked as a scammer in maplestory? I accidently scammed someone in a fame trade. I seriously didn't know you had to wait for fame to come back because im new. Then all of a sudden everyone new and callled me a scammer and lowered my fame. I even skiped town and went to a different place but still people somehow new. I thing she … [Read more...] about Will i be forever marked as a scammer in maplestory?
Can one with the Army loan repayment consolidate with a cosigner and still be eligible?
KingChristianOne: Can one with the Army loan repayment consolidate with a cosigner and still be eligible? I have two non-qual bank loans, and one stafford loan. If I consolidate these loans will the consolidated loan be eligible? Could said consolidated loan have a cosigner and still be eligible? Answers and Views: Answer by Gordon … [Read more...] about Can one with the Army loan repayment consolidate with a cosigner and still be eligible?
I dont know what to choose. ?
: I dont know what to choose. ? I ha e money i got from graduation and there are 3 major things i want. A is a sound system in my car... Not a cheap one. B a dirt bike, and C a macbook pro 17 inch. Which should i choose. I am having a hard time deciding cause i want then all. Which ever gets the most votes is the one i will choose. Answers and … [Read more...] about I dont know what to choose. ?
Can you buy others’ losing lottery tickets to offset gambling winnings?
eric r: Can you buy others' losing lottery tickets to offset gambling winnings? Lets say you get lucky on the lottery. Can you collect other people's losing lottery tickets as "proof" of gambling losses to offset the taxes on what you won? Answers and Views: Answer by CaptainSpicewhat if they ask for a reciept??? Answer by pdqYou are … [Read more...] about Can you buy others’ losing lottery tickets to offset gambling winnings?